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[TCG] Duelist Alliance

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  • 2 weeks later...

people been betting that it is Entermate's name change though I hope not.


Shadoll became Shaddoll, Tellaknight became Stellarknight, I hope EM stays the same or goes to Entertainment or something. "Ultimate Athlete Scorpion" sounds silly.

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wait...shaddolls get their effects with fusion? I don't play with OCG so that's probably very obvious to everyone else but...whaa?

They do, yes, because of the way cards that fusion summon, such as Polymerization or more relevantly Shaddoll Fusion, the sending them to the graveyard is part of the effect of Fusion Summoning the appropriate monster.


EDIT: I am not certain on this next part, but I am under the impression Shaddolls will not get their effects if they are sent by a contact fusion, such as for Chimeratech Fortress Dragon while DNA Surgery is flipped up, because contact fusing is, I believe, a game mechanic, not an effect. So to answer your question fully in a single word: usually.

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It depends on if sending them to the graveyard for Fortress Dragon is "a card effect" in this case.

Indeed, and I'm pretty sure it isnt an effect. But someone would need to verify that.


Of course its a very specific scenario that will likely never occur.

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people been betting that it is Entermate's name change though I hope not.


... um... why would monsters give the theme/appearance of carnival/circus entertainers... be renamed as an archetype called "Ultra Athletes"? :blink:


If people are betting on that, I sincerely hope they're not expecting a payout.


In fact, can you give me their email addresses? I'd like to tell them that they've been selected as lucky winners of the National Lottery of Nigeria. Please send me your account details so I can verify your account, and thus deposit your winnings...

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Thanks, for some reason I was convinced Fusion sending was its condition as well (though in most cases in wouldn't matter that much), so I really got to go over the rules again, as that seems pretty basic.


As for the Ultimate Athletes, that's surely got to be in the TCG exclusives, which means in 10 cards, there's going to be 2 new archetypes? seems suspicious...

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Thanks, for some reason I was convinced Fusion sending was its condition as well (though in most cases in wouldn't matter that much), so I really got to go over the rules again, as that seems pretty basic.


As for the Ultimate Athletes, that's surely got to be in the TCG exclusives, which means in 10 cards, there's going to be 2 new archetypes? seems suspicious...


Konami did single card trickle for NKs at first, it's not unlikely that we'll get only a few TCG exclusives of each archetype and several generics.

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  • 1 month later...

Kinda random, but anyone know if the 1st edition is being relocated to the right of the serial number, like in the Spacetime Showdown? Bc that's aesthetically unpleasing and honestly bugs me a lot.

If it was relocated in the new starter deck, then it will be relocated for all future sets.

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Ultra Athletes, I hope is another archetype. It just sounds so silly.
Imagine this: 


"Ultra Athlete - Dante", coming your way to out-jog the other demonic competitors! pls no

The name changes are really nice, though. And in the case of Yang Zing not being Yang Xing, I'm sure they just want the people to pronounce the names clearly. I really hope the Entermate name stays the same, though.

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