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Neo-Spacian Exodia

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Monsters: 18
5 Pieces of Exodia
2 Hummingbird
2 Dolphin
1 Panther
1 Scarab
1 Mole
1 Emissary of the Afterlife (odd looking but why not lol)
3 Swift Scarecrow
2 Fader (might try a copy of Electromagnetic Turtle or something in it's place at some point)

Spells: 18
3 Upstart
3 Convert Contact
3 Space Gift
3 Soul Charge
2 Duality
1 RotA
1 Common Soul (Testing. I draw the Spacians a lot so this is a way to get them out of the hand and make Space Gift more live)
1 One Day of Peace
1 Dark Hole

Traps: 4
3 Hope for Escape
1 Gift Card

Total: 40

3 Mechquipped Angineer

a bunch of other Rank 3's


The idea is to use Convert Contact to send the Neo-Spacians to grave, use Soul Charge to summon them to the field, and then use Space Gift and Hope for Escape to hopefully finish the game. At worst, this deck opens a bunch of Spacians and exodia pieces with no spells in sight. At best, you basically activate a bunch of cards in 1 turn and win. Neo-Spacian Hummingbird more or less negates the cost of Soul Charge if your opponent has cards in hand. Deck still needs work but it's an interesting idea at least; I can imagine this draw engine being used for pure Rank 3 spam or things like that, it's not hard to pull off.

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This seems quite wonky, in the sense that the set-up might outweigh it's potential.

You tested this yet? I'm honestly curious as to how it preforms.


Like I said in the OP you can open pretty badly sometimes, a more traditional exodia deck is way safer. I'd say I've played maybe 25 games with it; it's a set up deck for sure. But once you get some draws in, and have a Scarecrow in hand you feel like you're in good position for the most part.


Doesn't this deck usually play NEX, since NEX monsters count as 2 Neo-Spacians due to having double names?


I tried NEX for maybe 3 duels, drew it once and it wasn't in an opportune time. I just don't think NEX would be consistent enough. If I can get back 2 or 3 different spacians with Soul Charge that's already plenty of draws for Space Gift honestly.

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