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[Pokemon] Caterpie (Flashfire)

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(Sorry, couldn't find any good pictures of it)
Its ability states "This Pokémon can evolve during your first turn or the turn you play it."


Ultimately evolves into



I don't really play the Pokemon TCG myself, and just observe it from the outside, but I had a question about this. Would you be able to use Rare Candy on Caterpie the turn it is played? Rare Candy says it's treated as evolving the Pokemon, but I don't know about any special rules that might be in play.

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You should be able to. I don't see why not.

Though, if You REALLY want to use Butterfree, unless you're running more Stage 2s, you're better of using Metapod (It's more searchable than rare candy and has the same ability as caterpie anyway)

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