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Hello one and all!


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Hello one and all fellow Users!


I am relatively "new" to this whole... forum thing, so I apologise if I seem ackward or make a mistake D: Eherm, anyways, a couple of brief things about me:

- I enjoy the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game (who would have guessed right? )

- I play through PSN, my user being SikeOPath (hit me up if you own or play any of these games: Blazblue Chrono Phantasma/ Skullgirls Encore/ Call of Duty Black Ops 2/Resident Evil: Revelations)

- I am someone who enjoys being around comedic but friendly company


My DN username is Marcactuar, so add me/PM me on there for shenanigans and what not (so long as you let me know who you are)


Thats all I suppose, I hope to feel very welcome here :)

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Well the section Clubs and Organizations



You might fine one you like, theres stuff about anime and manga...video games....other stuff...



I used to be there a lot, but it used to be much more active.



And I guess the TCG section was recommended because you said you liked yugioh and thats where all that stuff is XDD

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