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[Cirrus] Enjoyable aspects about Yugioh

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aka nothing at all yugioh is teh sux and worst cart gaem ever




But really: I particularly like to see when a boss monster for an archetype is released as generic, and this generic card is considered balanced and relevant by the community (of people who don't suck, at least) for at least a while. This monster also has some sort of effect or other synergy with its own Deck that makes it even better in those Decks, all while still being balanced. Basically, cards like Scrap Dragon and Ghostrick Alucard, though Stellaknight Deltatheros does fall a little short in this regard.


So, what does YCM actually like about Yugioh?

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I like:


When they release a single card that suddenly raises the power level of an archetype (even if the archetype doesn't reach the top tiers). Examples: Pirika, W-Nebula, Diamond Core, Nebra Disk, etc.


When you build an engine with cards from an archetype, to support or power up another archetype or deck. It feels as it you were being clever by picking 2 cards from X deck to support Y deck, although some of those engines are painfully obvious or already well-known, but still there are a few of them that remain underused. Examples: Theosophy/Sanctum+Moralltach, Tenki+Bear, Spy engine.


Cards that become my favorites because of their concept, gimmick and/or artwork, but they are not the best cards nor have the best effects, which motivates me to build decks and/or make cards/sets designed to work with them.


The DT and its storyline. The story sometimes inspires me to make cards related to the events on the DT World. And now that I think about it, most of the archetypes I have tested and played because I find them interesting are from DT, and actually a couple of my favorite archetypes are from DT as well.

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