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BEWD Dragon Deck

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I have an idea for a BEWD deck. Any Thoughts?




Blue-Eyes White Dragon x3

Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon

Darkstorm Dragon

Mirage Dragon

Tyrant Dragon

The Creator Incarnate

The Creator

Herald Of Creation

Rider of the Storm Winds

Heratic Dragon of Tefnuit

Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon

Maiden with Eyes of Blue

Cyber Vally

Kaiser Sea Horse

Alexandrite Dragon

Shining Angel

Divine Dragon Apocralyph



Total: 20





Call of The Haunted

Proof of Powerlessness

Compulsory Evacuation Device

Magic Cylinder

Mirror Force

Bottomless Trap Hole

Scrap-Iron Scarecrow


Total: 8




Dragon Shrine

Swords of Revealing Light

Advance Force


Silver's Cry

Stamping Destruction

Mausoleum of the Emperor

Magical Mallet

Pot of Duality

Advanced Draw

Burst Stream Of Destruction

A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon


Total: 12


Extra Deck:


Number 39: Utopia

Number 88: Gimmick Puppet of Leo

Princess Cologne

Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon


Total: 4


Any Improvements?

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Other good cheap Ideas:


Run 3 Hieratic Nuit, and 2 Senet Switch. 

Senet switch gives you a free BEWD every turn maiden is on the field and triggers Nuit's effect for rank 4s or synchros


You could easily make room for them by taking out the creator cards, interplanetery dragon, metalmorph, mallet, proof of powerlessness and im sure plenty of others as well...


also bulk out your extra deck, 


cheap rank 4s include photon papilloperative, blackship of corn, diamond dire wolf, maestroke (if you can stretch to it, starliege paladynamo is a nice psuedo number 101 for light decks which is far cheaper), could also run queen dragun card.


Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder and Hieratic Helipolis Sun Dragon aren't dirt cheap, but they aren't too expensive compared to other good rank 8s. 


cheap level 5 synchros include catastor,  tg hyper librarian

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Got A list of cards (it's Incomplete) that would be good for a Bewd Deck:




3 Maiden

2 White Stones

Debris Dragon

Flamvell Guard


2 Tefnuits

3 Shrines

2 Silvers

Dark Hole

Fiendish Chain

Trap Stun


All Dirt Cheap. Any Thoughts?

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