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[HS] Unleash the Hounds

Miror B

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I'm just glad it got nerfed to be honest. Starving Buzzard + this card = most unfair play ever. 

only if your deck focuses on swarming, otherwise it's just a recovery move against control style.

and you gotta remember, they are only 1/1, and only as many as you have monsters on the field. so if you don't keep it under control vs a hunter, it's your own fault

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only if your deck focuses on swarming, otherwise it's just a recovery move against control style.

and you gotta remember, they are only 1/1, and only as many as you have monsters on the field. so if you don't keep it under control vs a hunter, it's your own fault


Can be a catch 22 situation. If you don't play a decent amount of minions, hunters will usually beat you down, if you play too many, unleash the hound shenanigans can net the hunter ridiculous advantage. 

I don't care that my opponent gets to summon 3/4/5 hounds etc, I just care that with 1 other 2 mana card they can draw an extra 3/4/5 etc cards off of it, which basically equals game over unless the hunter is on low health and you have spell damage. 


Not being particularly salty about it either, since hunter is my secondary go to class (after Mage) and acknowledge how ridiculous the card is regardless. 

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Extremely small smack on the wrist. I don't care that they can't play anything during the turn they do the combo on Turn 6/7. What I care about is that they get the card draw AT ALL. It's unfair no matter how you look at it. Unleash the Hounds punishes you for PLAYING THE GAME. If you keep your minion count low, Hunters will destroy you. If you try to push, Hunters will destroy you AND get insane card draw off of it. It makes no sense that you can get a 4-5 card draw off a now 5-mana combo when other cards that net such profit cost upwards of 8 or 9. The "You need 2 cards and it relies on the opponent" argument has no merit here. There's no relying on the opponent. If they want to actually win, they'll play a lot of minions. Unleash the Hounds is a completely degenerate card that I feel no sort of mana cost nerf will justify unless it's raised so high that it's not even worth playing anymore.

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Might be worth just allowing one draw off of uth and snake trap with buzzard in the same way questing adventure only gets one increase


I agree, if the summoning is simultaneous, only 1 draw should be netted. Then it would be fairer.

I don't really have any qualms with the hyena combo since 1 bulky minion is usually less trouble than +2/3/4/5 etc in the hand. 

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