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Rank 4 Spam

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I quite like idea of piecing together a deck with no archetypal focus that actually kicks ass, and this one hasn't been half bad in testing. Suggestions are always welcome though since it can probably be improved. Anyway this is what I've got for the coming format [OCG/TCG]:


Monsters [20]:


3x Tin Goldfish

3x Goblindbergh

3x Star Drawing

3x Sacred Crane

3x Kagetokage

1x Traptrix Myrmeleo 

1x Heroic Challenger Extra Sword

1x Summoner Monk 

1x Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite

1x Electromagnetic Turtle


Spells [10]:


2x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Forbidden Lance

2x Soul Charge

1x Book of Moon

1x My Body As A Shield

1x Dark Hole

1x Reinforcement of the Army


Traps [10]:


3x Call of the Haunted

2x Fiendish Chain

1x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

1x Mirror Force

1x Solemn Warning


Extra Deck [15]:


2x Number 101: Silent Honor Ark

1x Evilswarm Exciton Knight

1x Lavalval Chain

1x Daigusto Emeral

1x Abyss Dweller

1x Caingorgorm

1x Number 103: Ragna Zero

1x King of the Feral Imps

1x Evilswarm Ouroboros

1x Number 50: Blackship of Corn

1x Gagaga Cowboy

1x Photon Papilloperative

1x Number 85: Crazy Box 

1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn


Other Options not used but considered:


Photon Thrasher

Masked Chameleon 

Number 39: Utopia

Diamond Dire Wolf

Instant Fusion

Pinpoint Guard

Trap Stun

Effect Veiler

Maxx C

Mist Valley Falcon

Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning







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Hmm, I don't really ever even consider using rank-up cards, infact I don't think I've ever worked a deck around them.

Definitely worth trying a variant since C101 is really good. Which rank-up cards do you recommend? Not my area of expertise. 


And mirror force is definitely a precarious one, sometimes useful, but at other times redunant...

I'll try out and see. Thanks.

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Hmm, I don't really ever even consider using rank-up cards, infact I don't think I've ever worked a deck around them.

Definitely worth trying a variant since C101 is really good. Which rank-up cards do you recommend? Not my area of expertise. 


And mirror force is definitely a precarious one, sometimes useful, but at other times redunant...

I'll try out and see. Thanks.

Quick Chaos for battle phase shenanigans and dodging a Fiendish on your 101 or whatever.


The Thousands because everyone runs Rank 4s.


Barian's Force if you are only going to Rank Up the proper monsters since that can steal an Xyz Material. Or you can use Numeron Force if you can plan around the blanket negation of your own cards.


If you use RUM then you can test out Utopia Ray V/ictory.

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Quick Chaos for battle phase shenanigans and dodging a Fiendish on your 101 or whatever.


The Thousands because everyone runs Rank 4s.


Barian's Force if you are only going to Rank Up the proper monsters since that can steal an Xyz Material. Or you can use Numeron Force if you can plan around the blanket negation of your own cards.


If you use RUM then you can test out Utopia Ray V/ictory.


Thanks for the lowdown. Nice to know there's quite a few viable ones to choose from. 


And I forgot about Utopia Ray Victory, pretty sure I remember people saying Battlin' Boxers make a good RUM deck because of the abundance of rank up options they have. 

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I forgot to mention The Thousands is a side card since they might not go into R4 and then you have 2 dead spells.


Also LBF is good I guess, if you want a straight R4 > CR5 with no restrictions and don't care about the target being correct.

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They simply don't do enough. Numeron has a chance to be good, but... meh. Barian is only worth it for CXyz, which now have quick Chaos. Admiration is inconsistent, and even iffy as a side-deck choice. LBF presents so many options it is playable. Quick Chaos can be used both defensively and to OTK.

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Well, let's see.


Barian's Force is shit because it's a worse Numeron Force in R4 -> R5

Numeron Force is mediocre because same type restriction.

LBF is good because it turns any R4 into any R5 CNo. Well, as good as a 4->5 rum is atm.

Quick Chaos does nothing but pseudo-Lance and OTK situationally.

Argent Chaos Force is good... in inconsistent decks whose consistency does not benefit from it.

Astral Force is a genuinely good card.

Admiration is situational and shouldn't be mained, if even sided, unless it's a format like DRuler, and even then eh.

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They simply don't do enough. Numeron has a chance to be good, but... meh. Barian is only worth it for CXyz, which now have quick Chaos. Admiration is inconsistent, and even iffy as a side-deck choice. LBF presents so many options it is playable. Quick Chaos can be used both defensively and to OTK.

Thanks for actually explaining instead of just saying "bad".

Black got it too.
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[quote name="Fraxure" post="6408370" timestamp="1399804368"]

This deck list states OCG/TCG. Not Korean. [/quote

Korea is OCG Territory as far as I know.


I just assumed it would be under its own sub territory. 

After checking the card and realizing it was in their Primal Origins, I didn't realize it was already a thing. 

In which case, sure, this card would undoubtedly make instant fusion a staple in the deck. I've only known about this card's existence for a few days so it slipped my mind regardless. 

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I've been testing rum but I rarely find myself using/drawing into it.




+2 LBF 

+1 C101

+1 Crest of Horror 



-1 Fiendish Chain 

-1 Papilloperative

-1 Maestroke 


To be fair, if I include instant fusion and RUM I think my extra deck space might be a bit strained, I'd rather do one or the other, and given how useful Noden is I'd probably opt for that. 

So I might just swap 2 LBF out for 2 Instant Fusion and the 2 C numbers for 2 Noden.

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