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Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire

Phantom Roxas

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Yeah, I know that I can play while it's been charged; though I was doing other things at the time.

But indeed, I've not added your FC yet; it's been done as of the writing of this post.


As for the trading stuff, I'll keep the timezone differences in mind.

If I have time, I'll let you know. Most likely will be on the weekends, or unless I get time during my breaks at college OR before I go to sleep.



Given what you've mentioned about possible trade offers, I don't think I changed anything, so one of those is fine.

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Has anyone got a spare Shiny and Dusk Stone, I need one of each for my team. X has run out and OR can't seem to get one from it's only place. If not I'm gonna have to boot Togekiss and Chandelure from my team.  

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Has anyone got a spare Shiny and Dusk Stone, I need one of each for my team. X has run out and OR can't seem to get one from it's only place. If not I'm gonna have to boot Togekiss and Chandelure from my team.

I'm headed to sleep soon, but i know i've at least got the dusk stone. since i never remembered to go through with my holiday plan i literally have a box of dusk stones, shiny aegislash and big nuggets for the taking if you want any.

i'll log onto my game for a minute if you've got time now though.
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Thanks for the suggest I forgot about Global Link, X has 84,000 miles to use anyway. The Balloon Popping is a very easy way of getting items you just end up with loads of useless things, I now have 2 Protectors, didn't even need 1. 

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From Serebii:

To coincide with the release of the TCG set Roaring Skies (which is today), from June 22nd to July 12th, US players can get a serial code for Dragonite from Gamestop. It'll have its HA (Multiscale), holding a Lum Berry and the moves; Dragon Dance, Outrage, Extremespeed and Hurricane.

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From Serebii:
To coincide with the release of the TCG set Roaring Skies (which is today), from June 22nd to July 12th, US players can get a serial code for Dragonite from Gamestop. It'll have its HA (Multiscale), holding a Lum Berry and the moves; Dragon Dance, Outrage, Extremespeed and Hurricane.

Been trying to find a new multiscale dragonite (only now am realizing that i could have asked here)for months since i lost my pokemon Y, I don't care what moves it has, i just need a new one
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Been trying to find a new multiscale dragonite (only now am realising that i could have asked here) for months since i lost my pokemon Y, I don't care what moves it has, i just need a new one

I'm sure someone could've bred you one anyway. But yeah, you don't have to wait that long.

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At least I don't have to keep running around on Route 18 in Unova, and trying to trigger the Grotto over there.

That's basically the only way I'm ever getting HA Dragonite (since I don't think I have a FC in X/Y with Dragonair or whatever [or if it's even available]).



Or I can just ask Yin for one [well, a Dratini anyway] in exchange for that HA Amaura that I promised a couple people, including her.

I haven't forgotten, but just that university's been a pain lately and I don't have time to go online on 3DS. (I should have more than enough for people who still need one)

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I say a few babies I probably just have the original source, but I think I have Dratini eggs that need hatching whilst I was aiming to get a none -Atk HA Dratini. 


If I quickly hatch them I'll trade you one. OR has the Togepi now. Give me and Volcarona a few mins. 


Right I have 2 Marvel Scale Dratini, Bold and Hasty (not the best, but you can fix them). Or you could wait and I attempt for an Adamant HA Dratini as I just hatched one. (Which I shall replace my AS one for) and X won an ever stone yesterday.

DD, Iron Tail, Aqua Jet and Extreme Speed.

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I managed to get both from Global Link, cost X about 3,000 miles though. 


I can breed the Adamant Dratinis now anyway, my last Dratini baby got that and Marvel Scale. I plan to replace AS' Dragonair with one. Shouldn't take long to breed 3. 

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I'd like to request whichever dratini sakura doesn't choose. i still have the dusk stone if you need it and i found that i DO have a shiny stone if you want that too.

I'm going for the Adamant one (whenever Yin finishes breeding it); she has a Bold and Hasty one from what she's mentioned to me earlier this morning.


Come to think of it, I seem to recall seeing a couple of Marvel Scale Dratini in my X box, but I don't remember.

Will need to check. (This is what happens when I don't pay attention to the HAs of every Poke).


Net's fine right now.

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Well let OR just steal X's ever stone and I'll breed. Anyone else want one or should I breed a few? 

Just realised X in fact has 4 Ever stones. 


Just realised the original Dratini was Adamant too. *Facepalm*


vla1ne there is one ready when you  are too, only downside its best IV is Spl Atk...

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