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What happened to C-130? No level, no attribute, no ATK/DEF, no type (but I'm guessing machine)? There's only 1 card in your set that you could summon your Xyz monster with unless that was intended. You don't have any tuner monsters so having a synchro isn't useful. (You should be able to summon Synchro/Xyz with only monsters from your set). The synchros says MBT Crew and Gunship Crew for the tuner monsters; those cards aren't in the set! Also don't use real pictures as art as it just doesn't look good! 

Balanced: 4/5

Art: 1/5

Effects: 3/5

Work Well?: 2/5

Are they good: 2/5

Overall: 12/25

I could bring that up to 18/19 if you fix some of those errors! It's a decent set though! :)

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Jacket Potato, this set isn't complete, despite being on multiple cards - a more experienced member (Gadjiltron) notified me to post multiple cards in this section I believe. C-130 was complete but this post mustn't have rendered it correctly. Images for these cards would be very hard to find, and originally I had not intended to post these whatsoever, and was not going to spend hours searching for artwork on these vehicles. Also, the set isn't really a set at all, just military based cards. I have yet to make the tuners for the synchro's, I will make a legit set one day, but for now I am more of a casual creator. Thanks for the criticism anyway, I am glad to have someone point the mistakes out than nobody comment at all. :)

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