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Man of war ship


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Been playing AC3 recently and decided to make a Man-of-war card. The man of war had hundreds of cannons, which fired simultaneously and then had to reload. This cards effect is a metaphor of discarding a card (Cannon ammunition) and destroying all face up monsters your opponent controls (All the cannons fire, devastating the opposition). Not only does the once per turn handicap balance it out, but it adds to the real life metaphor of reloading the cannons, and not attacking, as the effect was considered it's attack. The part about not being able to attack at all is simply another balancing factor.



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Until you link Sailing Crew, it's impossible to see how easy or hard it is to get this thing out.  Please do so.


This is very important, because as of now its effect is pretty devastating, so if its too easy to get out that could be a problem.

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