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[CFV] Game Ogre

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4 Reckless Express
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1 Baron Asmodeus

4 Silver Blaze
4 Frozen Ogre
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4 Bad End Dragger
4 Blood Ogre

(Purely theory atm)

The little deck that could. Will probably become the deck I play the most of post BT16 because of how potent a card Blood Ogre is in conjunction with every other Spike Brother card they have so far. The ability to turn your columns into game winners by throwing triggers back into the deck is nothing to sniff at, especially since you can easily create situations where the units you're attacking with go from being 9000 unboosted to 34000 unboosted with the simple cost of SB1.

Only thing that I feel could make the deck better is a Lemonade clone, both to filter out unwanted soul and unflip so that the deck's CB heavy nature doesn't cause it to fall off the map.
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