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Greek Mythologycal Cards Part #1


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Guys! here are my cards base on ancient greek myth
I really interest to find out "Ancient Greek", yes I took Bachelor in History. :D lol
And I crazy about YU-GI-OH TGC, but thing that made me loved it is "Duel Monster" series...
So I just made these cards based on "DM", and hope you find my weak points, so you can give me advvice
"Apollo" The Son Of Zeus
Description : As long as this card face-up on the Field, negate the activation of all Flip-Effect monsters on your opponent's Field.
"Hermes" The Son Of Zeus
Description : This card can only be Special Summoned if your have at least 3 cards or more in your graveyard. Gains 1000 Life Points for every monster that is destroyed by this card.
"Ares" The Son Of Zeus
Description : This card gains 200 ATK for each Warrior-Type monsters in either player's Graveyard.
Underworld Cerberus
Description : You can substitute this card for any 1 Fusion-Material Monster. When you do this, the other Fusion-Material Monster(s) must be the correct one(s).
Underworld Chimera
Description : When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 DARK monster with 1500 or less ATK from your Deck, in face-up Attack Position.
Description : Each time, in your opponent's turn. Decrease the ATK of all monsters on your opponent's field by 500. ( The ATK of all your opponent's monsters back to normal in your turn.)
Ajax The Great
Normal Monster
Ajax The Lesser
Normal Monster
Spartan Shield
Normal Monster
Description : This card cannot attack unless you offer 1000 of your Life Points as a Tribute.
Light Of Olympus | Spell - Field
Description : Increase the ATK of all Light & Warrior Type-Monsters on your side of the field by 300 points. This card can not be destroyed, during "The Three Sons of Zeus" (Ares, Apollo, & Hermes) is in the field.
Tetradrachm The Coin Of Athens | Spell - Equip
Description : This card can only be used to equip Warrior-Type monsters. A monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 1000 points in your opponent's turn, but in your turn only increases its ATK and DEF by 500 points. This card cannot be destroyed by effects that destroy Spell Cards.
Curse Of Zeus | Spell - Normal
Description : There are 2 different effects that their activation depends on the situation;
- If the opponent's life-points is higher than you, all monsters on your side of the field can inflict direct damage to your opponent's life points.
- If your opponent's life-points is lower than you, he/she can not Draw a card. (this effect can only be removed if your opponent can reduce your life-pont to be lower than his/hers.)
Description : When this card is Normal Summoned or Flip Summoned, you can add 1 Ritual Monster Card from your Deck to your hand.
Achilles The Trojan Warrior
Description : Flip : Can only be activated during your opponent's turn. If this card is attacked in face-down defense position. Flip, then you can target the attacking monster; make that target's ATK 0 during damage calculation only.
Hector The Trojan Warrior
Description : This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 Warrior-Type monster in your Graveyard from play. Increase the ATK of this monster by 500 points during the opponent's Battle Phase.
Athena The Goddess Of Warfare
Description : This card can only be Special Summoned by offering Warrior-Type monster equipped with "Tetradrachm The Coin of Athens" as a Tribute.
As longas this card face-up on the field, Negate the activation of all spell cards during your opponent's turn.
Ares The God Of War
Description : This card can only be special summoned by offering "Ares - The Son Of Zeus" equipped with "The Coin Tetradrachm of Athens" as a Tribute. This card gain 500 ATK for every Warrior-Type monsters in both side of the Graveyard, either on both sides of the Field.
Artemis The Goddess Of The Hunt
Description : As long as this card is face-up on the field reduces the ATK / DEF of all Beast and Beast-Warrior Type monsters by 300 points. If this card Attack Beast or Beast-Warrior Type monster, and send it to Graveryard, Inflict damage to your opponent's life-points, by a half of the total attack monsters.
The Sword Of Olympus | Spell - Equip
Description : This card can only be used to equip Fairly and Warrior-Type monsters. A monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 1000 points.
If the monster equipped with this card is Destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, you can remove this card, and send back the monster from the Graveyard back to the field after the completion of the opponent's turn (but this monster can not Attack until the end of your turn).
Yesss.. That's all, and please.. Feel free to comment! I accept advice from you guys!
Part #2 is coming soon..!!!





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