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[CFV] Raizers becomes a real deck?

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Untested, but I've been informed that Cat Butler is a card now?


G0s: 19

1 Energyraizer (Starter)

2 Cat Butler (a real STAND-up guy.)

4 Meteo (Crit)

4 Minimum (Crit)

4 Crew (Draw)

4 Kate (Heal)


G1s: 12

4 Cannon (the 10000 guy)

4 Carving (the mega booster)

4 Twin Blader (Sentinel/ Perfect Guard)


G2s: 12

4 Dual Flare (the mating partner, no homo)

4 Flare Wing (the other mating partner, no homo/ the 12000 guy)

4 Wingraizer (the 11000 guy who thinks Carving's credentials are unlimited.)


G3s: 8

4 Mega Flare (the Legion. He thinks tacos are delicious, buy won't share them with D-Flare.)

3 Drill Wing (the other Legion. He likes long walks on the beach, just not with F-Wing cuz he don't roll like that)




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