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[MtG] Ajani, Mentor of Heroes

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Well, in Standard, 100 Life is something that people are going to have trouble with. Sure, he is no win-con, but he is definitely helpful.


Pulling out his ultimate IS a win condition in Standard, but the problem is actually making it happen. He's not a very good card in the current enviroment, but maybe post rotation he'll find a home. Potential is definitely there.

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Pulling out his ultimate IS a win condition in Standard, but the problem is actually making it happen. He's not a very good card in the current enviroment, but maybe post rotation he'll find a home. Potential is definitely there.

It isn't really a win-condition against monsters. It just stalls. Sure, it wastes time well, but it shouldn't give you the win unless there was actual pressure. They have a harder time dealing with Planeswalkers unless through damage, and in GW there is little damage that has trouble getting through. I agree that he isn't good in the current environment since there are so many ways that other cards interact better.
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It isn't really a win-condition against monsters. It just stalls. Sure, it wastes time well, but it shouldn't give you the win unless there was actual pressure. 

It IS a win condition against Monsters. If your Ajani had plussed 4/5 times, then you're way ahead and 100 life seals that. Anyone who thinks his ultimate doesn't win the game is simply wrong. It'd be a different story if his other abilities weren't both plusses, but they are so you can just naturally get to the ultimate to go over the top entirely to lock a game out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

for 5 mana, a planeswalker should win you the game, all ajani does is draw you cards. mediocre/10


You clearly don't know how to properly evaluate cards.


Gideon Jura doesn't win you the game either and it's the only non-Batterskull 5 mana card that sees play in Modern aside from combo decks.

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Gideon comes with removal and a way to let your dudes through a clogged boardstate. He can also turn into a creature to get those last few points of damage. I'd say thats a game winning walker. Ajani is fine for this standard but overall his kit is pretty mediocre for 5 mana and 2 colors.

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