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New Cyber Dragon card

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Lore: 1 Cyber Dragon * 2 or more Machine-type monsters
This card can only be special summoned by the effect of "Overload Fusion" and cannot be summoned by any other way. This card gains 1000 atk for each monster used to summon this card. This card can attack up to the number of monsters used to summon this card. This card cannot attack your opponent directly.
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It's a worse form of Chimeratech seeing as it can't attack directly and can only have 3k. Yeah sure it's missing the nuke effect but that's it. Even if you removed the line of needing Overload Fusion so that CyDra Nova could summon it, I still wouldn't possibly run it considering level 12 has no Xyz and will never have any relevant ones.


It also can't defend.

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It's a pretty basic card, offensive-oriented. quoting GreigaBeastDS' comment: "It's a worse form of Chimeratech seeing as it can't attack directly and can only have 3k."

True, it can't attack directly, it also requires 1 more machine-type in addition of Chimeratech's, but it also acquires ATK quicker. Chimeratech increases 800 ATK per monster, this one 1K ATK per monster, but just putting in that this card can't attack directly, kills it. Having 3 Machine-type monsters on hand or on field it's harder already(which I think it's the case why you're playing this with Overload Fusion) still, Overload Fusion it's just another Spell Card that can be easily denied; It makes this card unplayable + it can only be Summoned with Overload Fusion. In other words, too much trouble to Summon this when it can be easly stopped before Summon it or after Summoned, with cards well known as "Anti-Fusion Device", or used against you with "Chthonian Polymer". "Cyber Dragon Core" would be a great support on this.

I think if you can edit  the card to make it more defendable or develop support, it would be a nice card although again, it's very similar to Chimeratech, another multiple attacker with variable ATK in the Cyber family.

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