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Simping For Hina

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Why do you choose Daemon, or any of its derivatives as your usernames?

Originally, I went by DeathlyFiend. I found that to be annoying since I didn't like being called Deathly too much. I wanted a new name. In one of Jake the Sage's chanting chat rooms, I was trying to discuss a new name for me. It went from jokes to serious, and then someone mentioned "Daemon". At the time, Hatcher joined the chat room and provided the ability of having the name by getting rid of an inactive account. It started to catch up with me, and I felt comfortable with the name.

I kept it since everyone knows me as Dae, DD, Daemon, and so on. I usually incorporate "Dae" into one of my names because I'm just comfortable with it now and I have no reason to change. I choose Daemon as a name because it was really the one name that seemed obscure for little 8th Grade me. I was horrible at creativity since my first name was Magical Fiend of Death, and my login is still such.
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Do you think you could set me up with Pika?

Possibly. It would be a hassle for me since Pika is too good for you, but I'll do my best to set it up for you.

When did you first get into MTG?

I first got into MtG around Scars of Mirroring release, only playing a few decks and hardly knowing the rules. I only played about 2 games in a span of 3 months. If I really have to count, it was around December during the Innistrad season where I got my first deck as a birthday present from my brother.

Whats your opinion on the whole 'fake white bars' style of imagery?

I don't really have much of an opinion on the whole concept, and I really don't know enough about it to have an actual opinion. I think the style is boring, though, and should be expanded upon more. Really, I still don't know a lot about it to have a proper opinion.
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Who is your favorite Doctor?

Doctor Who? My favorite Doctor is Peter Davidson as a character and a person. He is probably the most abstract doctor for me in terms of writing and style. I always enjoyed watching him perform, and I never hated an episode of his I have watched.



What do you know me for and what do you think of me?

I really don't know a lot about you. I was your friend on Facebook before, but I completely forget your name and face. I know that you're a friend that people can rely on and that you love Megaman, though.


I think that you can get excessive when you specifically are into something, but that usually isn't a bad thing. And you know when to just shut up, which is always a good thing. You sometimes can get stupid, but by that point you're just lazy. I think that you're a pretty cool person over, and don't have any problem with you. I used to look "up" to you when we talked more often even if I never mentioned. Now, I just see you as a reletive guy who goes through things, but doesn't take things into heart if they mean nothing.



Okay Dae, what do you think of me?

You're a try hard in everything that you want to know about over a long period of time. I also think that you're pretty boring and really don't have a sense of humor. If you do, it is severely lacking. When you try to joke around, it usually becomes a sob story that makes people uncomfortable or don't know how to react. You also are a very personal guy when it comes to anything remotely close to you. This isn't a problem, but it can be a little nerve racking when people have wanted to get to know you. This part of you hasn't really changed, and you have gotten attached to it.



Why did you join YCM? :'o

I actually don't know why. I guess it is because I was like everyone else. I thought I made amazing cards and wanted recognition for me work because I was just so good in my eyes. I posted a few times, got a few comments that made me look good, and I kind of stayed on the site since then.

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You're a try hard in everything that you want to know about over a long period of time. I also think that you're pretty boring and really don't have a sense of humor. If you do, it is severely lacking. When you try to joke around, it usually becomes a sob story that makes people uncomfortable or don't know how to react. You also are a very personal guy when it comes to anything remotely close to you. This isn't a problem, but it can be a little nerve racking when people have wanted to get to know you. This part of you hasn't really changed, and you have gotten attached to it.


So you think I'm not worth getting to know?

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Can you make one of the opinion posts that you did for Striker/Agro except for me?



I am indifferent with you in terms of whether I like you or I don't. You're fun to talk to at times, but at others you're reliant on someone just being there. You're a nice person when it comes to just talking and it isn't really that hard to talk to you. The thing I never understood is that you seemed to have confidence in the past when you would give your two cents about some large, debatable topic. When it comes to just talking to you about feelings or just how someone feels, you tense up and shelter yourself. But now, you have also lost your confidence in your knowledge, and you have become more loose when it comes to talking to people.


So you think I'm not worth getting to know?


I think that you're worth getting to know, but you're not comfortable with the thought of people getting to know you.


[color=#0000cd]Oh god, did you show her the headshots with my good side? I told you that'd be far too overwhelming. It's why I gave you my mug shots with my bad side. Also so I'd seem like a bad boy and therefore so much cooler.[/color]


I did show her the mug shots first, then the headshots a while after. There is just too much of a stark contrast between them that you either looked too cool or too good looking.

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