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Night / Super Mod / Artist / God. Ask me shit.


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Are you Batman?


No. yes.


lol why'd you put super mod in the title lmao


Having authoritative power on a yugioh forum makes me look cool, doesn't it?


Will we ever consumate our love?


I'm Night, and you're Dae, we're doomed to never be together.

much sadness, such tears.


How do you take your burgers?



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Exactly how did you go from artist in a yugioh forum to the king of mods in a yugioh forum.


I was actually forced to join this site by a real-life friend of mine whom most of you know as Ice, by the time I did though I was pretty much out of yugioh. Most of the sections at the time were pretty heavily influenced by the game except for Showcase so I think I naturally gravitated towards it due to the fact that I was pretty much ostracized from everywhere else. 


'08 Showcase was a shit-fest to say the least, Shadius, one of the mods at the time pretty much encouraged bullying new members so as you could imagine it was pretty hard for me to get into the craft. Hioco, who's a great guy was a terrible mod because he was never around, so it was basically just Yin. I legitimately just wanted to help out the section and the people whom I had the utmost respect for. 


During the early days of my modship I focused primarily on Showcase because again, I was pretty much ostracized from the other sections. However in time I came to see that the other fucks weren't so bad.


Eventually I took Hatcher's position as the third Super and now I pretty much oversee the entirety of the forum. 


All the while not knowing shit about yugioh, come at me bro. 


Oh and LZ is definitely king. 

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What is your first name?


Amir. Which in Arabic/Hebrew means prince.


Is that skull in your signature made of crystal?


You'd have to ask Ali as he's the one who made that gorgeous piece. 


What do you think of the Hina asking you this question?


We're best pals. 


What has inspired you to make digital art and to keep it up here on YCM?




Good question.


As I stated before, I found graphic design on this site (oddly enough seeing as though it's a yugioh forum) and what actually inspired me was the people I met here. Catman, LZ, Ali, rain, JG, Seta, all of the fucks who were prominent in Showcase at the time heavily influenced me as I can remember being in absolutely awe of them. I guess that's why even though I've joined actual art sites and enjoyed it, I've always been the most fond of that little section on this site because of the community that we all helped shape. 


woah, Woah, WOAH...
Ice forced you into this!?


Really close friend of mine. 

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