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[Serious] For Caeda


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I suggested a tab option precisely for this purpose, so you should look into the rules here again since they were recently updated. Aix implemented the idea and it would help you not need to explain this being serious but too much for a status update and all.

Anyway, considering the length I've known, it doesn't really bother me at all. Actually, it didn't even bother me at all when she first told me. I also definitely would never discriminate against somebody who has the same exact situation that I do in regards to gender and body and such, but it is commendable that this was done.

You should tell her that this was a very good first step because being able to admit it here will make her more comfortable with who she is the more she opens up. I used to be afraid to let anybody know, but I don't mind anymore. Of course, I wouldn't want a stranger who somehow found out yelling it for everyone to see, but I don't mind. I hope she can use this as a stepping stone to feel better about it, because I know she doesn't deserve any of the stupidity she has had to deal with, much less having the stress of not even being comfortable in her own body.

Oh, in terms of my own input, as I, of course, posted very little of my own personal opinion rather than just stating the obvious, damn me.

I've already told you I'll be here to support you forever and stuff with the "I love you"s everywhere back and forth. Certainly not in the same way as Black; his is romantic, but I do very much sincerely and indomitably love you no matter what ever happens between us, so don't forget I'll always be here if you ever need any support and nobody else is there, or if other people are there but I'm somehow a better alternative than somebody else. I mean, a lot of the forum people love you, but you know how I feel. You'll never be alone and nothing can change that, even in death.

Oh, and of course, given this is not romantic to any extent, I am so not going to censor or anything how I feel no matter who says what. I have to be able to express how I feel as openly as I do for you as I do for another person in particular, and you even helped me very often when they couldn't, so I still have that to at least thank you for....

I don't know. I can go on for a very long while. This is a very, very short summary of how I would like to express my feelings on this, but a bit too much may make her uncomfortable or something.


Thank you... I don't know if this was the right thing to do really... It's really different to me, and now I just kinda feel awkward around here. I didn't plan on being very active anyway, but this might be the thing that finally gets me to kinda... Leave YCM a bit more. 


And thank you for caring. Um... I'm sorry I can't type out much in response, but, it means a lot that you care. ^^''


Does this mean I can finally start actually calling her Aubrey outside of private now?


I don't mind. That's the name I wanna be known as, so... Cat's out of the bag now.


Out of curiosity, Black, and not to seem weird or anything, but did anyone on YCM ever tease Her for that? Can't imagine they would, though...


Considering most of YCM just kinda found out by this thread, nope. I only told people I felt comfortable could kinda... Keep it quiet/I talked to more than maybe 2 times a week. ^^''


I don't think I've ever seen anyone bash a transgender here on YCM. If anything, it only made them even more popular. Koko, Caeda and the others are all well known and liked as members.


I must admit, sometimes Caeda would post somethings that I never imagined a girl posting, but I still didn't suspect anything. I guess I never gave it much thought anyway, because the gender online doesn't matter.


I don't think I'm particularly well known or liked. I don't do much of anything around here, and probably never will. ^^''


And well, I'm glad I was able to keep it not-so-obvious really. It isn't much, but it makes me feel a little better. 

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Well, I know you're responding to all these people and it is taking a lot of time, but before you decide to finally leave, please tell me. It's really important, and I've definitely spent too much time with you to just watch you leave without at least saying good bye first.

Don't worry, you're still going to be protected. And about typing much, don't feel obliged. I'm really happy just being able to talk to you a bit.

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Came a little late to find the thread, but I'll join the support forces here.
I don't really know her beyond having friends that know her. She has stressful moments that come to her suddenly from what I hear.

Maybe this will help her relax a bit and enjoy herself around. 


I've never even heard of someone being bashed, looked down upon, or anything negative with respect to being trans-gender in this site, and I do know a few around here. It's all good. She should be able to come here and join wherever she wants to with no worries about her body, and anyone that talks down to her because of her body should be ashamed.


No reason to be nervous. 

I'm not great with words on these kinds of situations, but basically I'm saying I give her my thumbs up. If I even see someone else use her body as an excuse to talk down to her, or to anyone with that condition, I'll jump in and tell the aggressor to fuck off. Can't speak for everyone, but I think there's just no reason to bash anyone for something like this.

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