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To the end of the Journey of Glittering Stars [Cosmic Dragons]


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3x Bian, Cosmic Dragon of Earth

2x Bixi, Cosmic Dragon of Water

3x Chiwen, Cosmic Dragon of Light

2x Masked Chameleon

2x Plaguespreader Zombie

2x Pulao, Cosmic Dragon of Wind

3x Suanni, Cosmic Dragon of Fire



1x Burial From the Different Dimension

3x Cosmic Dragon Comet Trail

1x Dark Hole

2x Mystical Space Typhoon

3x Supply Unit



1x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Breakthrough Skill

2x Call of the Haunted

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

3x Cosmic Dragon Reincarnation

2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1x Solemn Warning

1x Torrential Tribute



1x Ally of Justice Catastor

1x Ancient Sacred Wyvern

1x Armades, Keeper of Boundaries

1x Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons

1x Black Rose Dragon

2x Gongfu, Cosmic Dragon of Brilliance

1x Gravity Warrior

1x Hot Red Dragon Archfiend

1x HTS Psyhemuth

1x Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tree

1x Moonlight Rose Dragon

1x Scrap Dragon

1x Stardust Spark Dragon

1x Daigusto Emeral



2x Maxx "C"

2x Traptrix Myrmeleo

2x Cosmic Dragon Leylines

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Discord Sector

2x Imperial Iron Wall

2x Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

2x Spacetime Trap Hole



Plaguespreader should be ran in all Cosmic Dragon Decks as a secondary tuner.  It also provides a Level 2 option and gives access to Beelze in Cosmic Dragons as well.  I don't really have to explain Burial's purpose except for the fact that if you love using your Tuners, you will need something to get them back into the Grave.  Also, this totally isn't a subliminal message to get you to play a game by Monolith Soft.

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Rather than do a whole deck fix again, I posted fixes for another pure Cosmic deck just now in another thread here, and my own build here. Hope it helps.


I do appreciate the skeleton, but our skeletons are similar with each other structural-wise.  All I need is just something to replace the Dark Hole with and some other checks on dubious choices.

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