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~British Soul~

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Oracle of ZEFA


XIGE Magician

Mokey MOKI

Steelswarm GeNOME

Mask of bRUTAlity

Dragon PIPEr

Bujingi SINYou

AlTITUde Knight

NaTURAl Disaster

Elegant eGOTYst

Genex Ally SOLId

Fabled GalLABAs

GraveDIGA Ghoul

Ally of Justice QuaranTINE

Arcana Knight JOKA

EvolSORE Cerato

Symphonic Warrior SIZErrs


Abyss dWELA

GOGIga Gagagigo


DoomCALIber Knight

LIBErty at Last

PALE Beast

MoRALE Boost


Evigishki LEVYanima

RepTILIanne Gorgon

MEHA Phantom Beast Dracossack


Laval PhLOGIs


POKY Draco



[spoiler=Big Bang Horn]

It was a lush afternoon down by the lagoon, and a tired looking Heracross was seen relaxing after a hard day's training near the mountains.​

On a lush day by the lagoon, Heracross was relaxing by the pool after a long day's training. Little did he know, he was watched by a pokemon wafting a sweet aroma. Heracross was attracted to it and approached the source, but ended up getting lashed by what was revealed to be Victreebel.


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