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The Hobbit: the Desolation of Smaug


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Just saw it a few nights ago. I say if there was anything wrong with the first one, this one redeemed it.


First off, Legolas being a badass as always, if not better than the entire LotR trilogy.


Second, despite my disinterest in dragons, I really got a kick out of Smaug. I've been told people couldn't take him seriously for reasons why I liked him, but I'll be the judge of what I think.


[spoiler=Lastly...]Sauron's secondary antagonism was a nice touch, tbh. Seeing as I don't remember the book (it's been while), I'm curious as to what he'll do in the third movie.[/spoiler]



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Sherlock and Watson reuniting was the best part


Oh wow, I had no idea Benedict was Smaug. That's meta as f*ck.


But yeah, Bilbo talking to Smaug was the best part. I remember that part of the cartoon quite well.

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The movie was amazingly fun to watch. Smaug was over the top and silly, while Legolas appearing was cool. I can't say I hated it, because I had a ton of fun watching it.


As an adaptation, no it wasn't the greatest. The thing I heard is that they wanted to work parts of The Silmarillion into the movies, and that's why Legolas and Sauron among others are appearing. It only really made it a bit clogged in a story aspect to me, I'm not a huge fan of the merge.


But fuck was the movie fun to watch. When you take it as a standalone thing, as in just the movies and disregarding the books, I can't say it was bad really.

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I went to the midnight premier, and just like with the  first, I had a load of fun watching it, but in order to do that, you have to separate yourself from the book. Azog appearing threw me for a loop and Tauriel was rater pointless imo. But that barrel scene... completely incorrect, but epic as hell. I loved it, along with the giant gold statue of what I believe is Durin at the end. I like what they did with Bard. Bombur had a redeeming moment in the barrel scene which made my happy.  Overall, it was decent. From an adaptation standpoint. From the gaze of someone unfamiliar with the Hobbit, it seems awesome.

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My problem with the movie is that it feels like so much of it can be cut out. Like, everything leading to them getting to the forest doesn't feel needed. All the stuff with Smaug makes up for it though.

"My armour is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death!"

That quote is used on the Badass Boasts page of TV Tropes for a reason.

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Like mentioned before, you gotta keep the book out of your head in order to fully enjoy it. I loved listening to my dad whine and complain about everything that was different.


A silly fun fantasy romp. Can't wait for the third.

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I just.... My issue with the film is that it's called The Hobbit. It's such a big weight on it that, even if it's enjoyable as a film, means it just falls short of my hopes and expectations, because it's to ridiculous. 


Like the barrel scene for instances; like I loved the moments in LOTR where Legolas does the cool tricks like surfing down the steps at Helms deep on an Uruk shield. But an entire fight of that sort of stuff is just ridiculous. The whole scene was just to comedic for me to enjoy, because despite the Hobbit being a kids book, the way Peter Jackson is doing it is randomly splicing dark emotional stuff with kiddy fight scenes and it just sucks to me for lack of a better word. 


I mean like Smaug was so good, and I'd happily just watch years and years of SmaugxBilbo because of the chemistry the two actors have on screen, but... the rest of it just felt so meh. 


I'd have probably loved the film if it wasn't the adaptation of the Hobbit, and just a random fantasy trilogy instead. But I don't think it lives up to the weight of both the source material, and the film legacy LOTR gave it. 


And I must say again... the barrel scene was stupidly silly. 

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