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So I made this abomination

Sunn O)))

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You could really do with 3 Ignition in here since you're playing 60 and you want to get to both your s/t hate and your Artifacts ASAP. 3 Dionaea can also clog really bad since there is always something you would rather Normal Summon. -1 Dionaea +1 Ignition I would say.

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goodstuff.60CTH.dek? I can dig.


Though maybe drop basic trap hole for that new fancy space-time version, as I've heard good things about it.


You could really do with 3 Ignition in here since you're playing 60 and you want to get to both your s/t hate and your Artifacts ASAP. 3 Dionaea can also clog really bad since there is always something you would rather Normal Summon. -1 Dionaea +1 Ignition I would say.


Made those changes.

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-1 Coyote and +1 Gorilla, Gorilla actually does stuff for you.


Might want to fit Fire and Ice Hands in here, they float and provide free pops, and you're less likely to draw into multiples with the high card count.


Midrash doesn't do anything for you, run Panzer Dragon instead. It's also a 5 and LIGHT to go into Pleiades and if they break up your combo before you overlay, when it dies in the End Phase you still get a free pop so your Instant Fusion doesn't become a -1.

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-1 Coyote and +1 Gorilla, Gorilla actually does stuff for you.


Might want to fit Fire and Ice Hands in here, they float and provide free pops, and you're less likely to draw into multiples with the high card count.


Midrash doesn't do anything for you, run Panzer Dragon instead. It's also a 5 and LIGHT to go into Pleiades and if they break up your combo before you overlay, when it dies in the End Phase you still get a free pop so your Instant Fusion doesn't become a -1.


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