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Action Duel Tournament! [Semi-Finals: The Last Choice]

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I can't click the topic's latest page because Aqua quoted the post before Rodrigo fixed it, and chrome is blocking it on basis of memegenerator + malware.

Oh I'm really sry, I'm using Firefox so I didn't noticed that, will fix it immediately.

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Confirming. 103 was a real trooper.

All three games we had the Seal on. The power boost played a factor in that it put on pressure and upped the tempo, making controlling the pace a real challenge. First game I won rather smoothly, probably due to bad hand by Pacman and good setup on mine. Pacman drew into his sides G2 and locked me early on, I lost to overwhelming damage. G3 I thought I had lost honestly, even though I made a powerful opening I was quickly shut down and Pacman drew into sides again, but I drew well and turned it around.

The ED lock only actually came into play once, delaying my G3 win for one turn.

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