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Action Duel Tournament! [Semi-Finals: The Last Choice]

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I lost 2-1.


First and last games we used Lemuria, which didnt really matter as both of our decks were either same type/attribute anyway. The level changey thing was used once, though.


For game 2 we did Sargasso, which due to the nature of our decks slowed the duel to basically a wait-out until one of us got burned to death, which is what happened, so in this case it did play a major role in the outcome of the game.

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Sorry for the delay, but welcome to the third round! In this round, we decided to give you a break! You can rest up in a creaky old house, explore a museum full of history that comes alive, or you can join a spectral parade! Players will slowly be driven mad to the point of lunging at one another instead of their monsters fighting each other!


Of course, this means nighttime!


Ghostrick Mansion

In this old home, you're rewarded for hiding! In fact, you are so encouraged to hide from the inhabitants that you will actually be forced to hide unless they see you as one of their own! And these inhabitants certainly don't want you leaving too soon, so they make it harder for you to die!


Ghostrick Museum

In this history preserve, relics of the past will slow you constantly, until you move about as fast as them! And don't you dare break their precious artifacts, because if you do, you will get thrown down and have to wait even longer, and in more pain! fun, right? Though, again, those they consider family can do as they please!


Ghostrick Parade

And the final event of the night is here! However, this parade is actually kind to the players... on the surface! The Ghostricks allow you to use some of their powers here for this event, allowing you to dodge and respond to your opponent more, while also having the same person to person combat as the others! Just don't let the tricks drive you mad with their shenanigans!


Players have until 11 PM EST on the 15th to finish their games. Actual fields added to the OP.

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The fields were not on my favor this time D: Lost 2-0.


First game we used Ghostrick Parade, frankly because it's the least bothersome for both of us. Not much to report in terms of the field's impact here.


Second we used Museum, which did a decent job of incapacitating one of us. In the end, it probably didnt contribute too much to the outcome, but it was certainly more of a factor than Parade, potentially just due to how different we each played than the previous duel in an attempt to dodge the negative effects of the field.

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Sorry for delays.


Would really like the other 2 matches to get finished before the next round, so I'll give an extension until tomorrow at 11PM EST

still waiting for Giga, but he not reply my PM yet (it's more likely he couldn't duel with me in time since his last active was 12th May, last Sunday)

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