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(CFV) TD16 and TD17

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Blue Flame of Sacred Court (TD16)
Official Release Date: 11th July 2014
Official Price: 1,000 Yen
- A constructed deck built of 50 cards.
- Each deck consist of 1 RRR and 2 R cards.
- Further Boost to the skill, Legion (双闘).
- Includes new Gold Paladin cards used by Olivier Gaillard from the Quatre Knights in Season 4 of the Cardfight!! Vanguard Anime, Cardfight!! Vanguard: Legion Mate.
- Arch-type of the deck will be Liberator (解放者).
- Cover card is called Blue Flame Liberator, Percival!

Will of the Locked Dragons (TD17)
Official Release Date: 11th July 2014
Official Price: 1,000 Yen
- A constructed deck built of 50 cards.
- Each deck consist of 1 RRR and 2 R cards.
- Further Boost to the skill, Legion (双闘).
- Includes new Link Joker cards used by ??? in Season 4 of the Cardfight!! Vanguard Anime, Cardfight!! Vanguard: Legion Mate.
- Arch-type of the deck will be Star-Vader (星輝兵).
- Cover card is called Star-Vader, Garnet Star Dragon!

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Also willing to go out on a limb and say Radon / Phallon will receive alternate artworks to be able to make Legioning with them possible. Completely forgot about this too, because it's also applicable to Jupiter and Masquerade for the other 2 clans

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The one thing I'm wondering about is the guy who beat Miwa off-screen. I'm thinking that the reason for the off-screen defeat is because the other guy is using a new clan (which'll most likely get a Trial Deck too) and they didn't want to reveal that yet.

It's probably Granblue to be fair. Considering how he uses Ice, it would make the most sense to be Granblue and the only reason it was shown off screen was because they aren't in BT16
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聖裁の青き炎 Divine Judgment of the Bluish Flames
Gaillard's Liberators
Includes Legion
50 card deck
15 new cards, 2 reprinted, 17 Types total

RRR Upgrade in HS:
Blue Flame Liberator, Percival 「青き炎の解放者 パーシヴァル」
Oath Liberator, Aglovale 「誓いの解放者 アグロヴァル」
Liberator of Royalty, Phallon 「王道の解放者 ファロン」

RRR Promo Cards:
Evening Rain Liberator, Trahern (BT17 Preview card) 「夕立の解放者 トラヘルン」
Twin Axe Liberator, Bassia (BT17 Preview card) 「双斧の解放者 バッシア」
Little Fighter, Cron (Reprint) 「小さな拳士 クロン」

決意の呪縛竜 Will of the Locked Dragon
Includes Legion
50 card deck
15 new cards, 2 reprinted, 17 Types total

RRR Upgrade in HS:
Star-vader, Garnet Star Dragon 「星輝兵 ガーネットスター・ドラゴン」
Companion Star Star-vader, Photon 「伴星の星輝兵 フォトン」
Unrivaled Star-vader, Radon 「無双の星輝兵 ラドン」

RRR Promo Cards:
Bombardment Star-vader, Manganese (BT17 Preview card) 「砲撃の星輝兵 マンガン」
Star-vader, Bolt Line (BT17 Preview card) 「星輝兵 ボルトライン」
Black Ring Chain, Pleiades (Reprint) 「連なる黒輪 プレアデス」

Radon and Phallon are confirmed for alternate artworks. Looks like my theory was right.

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Since the episode mentioned something about truth I think she's going to end up with seeker's, having Honest Seeker Egbert as her Legion.

But Kai's already used Cerdic, iirc, so that seems like you're seriously grasping at straws based on one irrelevant comment.

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