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Made a Yusei deck

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And the reason it is bad is because you are trying to run ALL of Yusei's cards rather than just using the good ones. Like Armz said many of them do nothing and were merely in the show for plot purposes and to make the duel more interesting.


For a start lets find some of his best cards. You should take full advantage of these in your deck:


Effect Veiler - Used frequently in decks, even competetive ones. It is level 1 for Formula Synchron.


Junk Synchron - 1 card Junk Warrior is too good not to run in multiples.


Synchron Explorer (optional) - Revive a Junk Synchron for the same result.


Tuningware - Used with Junk Synchron this let's you draw 1 making you lose 0 card advantage for a synchro.


Quickdraw Synchron - Needed if you want to make use of all his synchros without running specific tuners since some of them are pretty bad.


Tuning - Gets you Quickdraw or Junk whilst setting up your graveyard.


Base your deck around these. You can still use other cards of Yusei just not the bad ones please. >_>

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