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I dont really know what to say...


Ill just go in the order I think it up. There may be no rhyme or pattern to my suggestions.


[spoiler='Spoiler'd to conserve page space']

Trap Lineup sucks. Needs Waking the Shadows, Torrential, Bottomless, Breakthroughs, etc.


Lightsworns are sub-optimal for Shadolls, but if you insist on them, cut everything but the Raidens, Lylas, and the Rykos.


Dragon should is best at 2.


Get rid of the Lightpulsars and one of the Chaos Sorcs.


Get rid of Dichotomy.


Nephilim doesnt need to be at 3. 2 is fine, and people can get away with 1.



Start with all that and see how it looks.

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Seriously, you should try checking Masao's thread on how usually LS-Dolls are built, and go from there. You must not run everything, only things necessary for the engine to get going. Garoth, Minerva, Aurkus, Jain, things like that shouldn't be run here.

Or he could change gears entirely because Shadollsworns are bad by nature, or rather inferior to their counterparts.
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