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Machine Rabbit Xyz?

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My Machine Rabbit deck, inspired by Dino-Rabbit but taking its own path with Machines! Mechanicalchaser and X-Head Cannon are respectably-powered Lv4 Normal Machines - LIGHT and DARK respectively, allowing access to Paladynamo, Key Beetle and Gear Gigant X. The infamous Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning is also available in this build. Apart from those I run the staple Rank 4s - Exciton and Ark Knight - plus two of my own: Daigusto Emeral and Crazy Box. 

Emeral is for moar spam and sometimes recycling normals: it makes Rabbit/Tour Guide + Iron Call = Plusses. The combos are simple but fairly effective. Another key card is Black Salvo, allowing for black rose of Moonlight Rose, a card I've found especially helpful. I'm still not sure on the BRD/Moonlight ratio and numbers, though.  


Crazy Box is for Skill Drain - great with Lance under it, because Drain basically kills the rest of the deck. It's also my second Eradicator target after Key Beetle. I'm not really sure if I should be maining Crazy Box and Eradicator, though the synergy usually works great.


Forbidden Lance: an element taken from the original Dino-Rabbit which really helps a lot here in getting over bigger monsters than most of my Xyzs can handle on thier own, working especially well with Emeral, Paladynamo, and Exciton. So far it's been fine at 3; I might start testing 2. Tell me your thoughts.


I'm not sure about night Assailant as a Tour Guide target; should I try Tour Bus or even something else? Sarco and Tour guide are essential for getting Rabbit off twice, and in extremely rare cases, 3 times.

I am also open to any other thoughts/suggestions, especially on D-Prison and my earlier mentions.


Any constructive criticism/thoughts are welcome and any help is greatly appreciated. Please take the time to comment if you have an idea - I really want to make this deck the best it can be!

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Terrible may be an exaggeration but I do agree with Armz that Gigant X is definitely meant to be ran at 2-3 in any level 4 heavy machine decks.


Personally, I'd remove crazy box. It is good but relying on luck just isn't optimal and the chances of skill drain being active is very low.


Also, how is 3 lances playing out for you? I know they are there to protect rabbit, but I'm just curious.

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Has a 5-2 record so far - I've found that it holds together quite well, even without Rabbit. I haven't needed the second X either, but I would probably put 1 in if there weren't space issues with the extra. And wouldn't Dino-Rabbit be nearly the same in terms of "falling apart"?


I'll try Crazy for an X, but most of the time I would want to go into a more aggressive Xyz for my second play than another Gear. I realise Crazy isn't optimal for that though, so thanks. 

Lance is working fine at 3, but I'm willing to swap one in testing for another card...? 


Thanks for the feedback.

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I'd play only 1 set of vanillas and put in something else..., like a Chaos Infinity engine, maybe.

So far I've been wanting to get Rabbit off more than once per game, but I think it may be fine with 1 Vanilla set - an idea I hadn't really considered. Nice idea about the Meklords, but the issue here is space: I need my backrow for protection and the deck will become a whole lot worse if I take it out. So I'm trying 2 copies of Wyverburster instead as more Lv4s, even though there not Machines. They're still LIGHT though. I might implicate the engine later, since it's a very nice idea.


Needs more Blocker, Yaiba Robo, and Dragrad.

I need LIGHT machines for BLS and Paladynamo to work in tandem with Wyverburster. Also, I want to draw Vanillas with good ATK/DEF even sub-par ones they do help me make Synchros. Dino-Rabbit needed strong Normals to grind, just as I do. I just think this is a very good idea which would work well in a different build of this deck, but not my current one. Maybe that build would look something like this:


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