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Star Seraph Scepter


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Replace Celestial Transformation with Photon Lead

It's the exact same effect in this deck, except you don't lose the monster on the end phase and you don't halve the attack. Also it can be used with Photon Thrasher too

Like... yeah you use the monsters for Xyzs so it doesn't really matter anyway, but the one-out-of-a-thousand times when the opponent has juuust the card to chain it's a god send. When they activate Book of Moon or Compulsory on the card you needed, or when you absolutely need to inflict 1800 damage for game and you wasted your normal summon, you're gonna be wanting Photon Lead over Celestial Transformation

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Well, I think you may tech some Satellaknights there, since you run 2 Deltathelos. They would definitely make it easier to make the 3-Material Xyz. But if you don't want to run any other archetypes besides Star Seraph, I would understand...

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Well, I think you may tech some Satellaknights there, since you run 2 Deltathelos. They would definitely make it easier to make the 3-Material Xyz. But if you don't want to run any other archetypes besides Star Seraph, I would understand...

I'm playing Delta, mostly because Delta destroys stuff and lets me make safe Summons. Compared to Ouroboros' who can only do 1 specific thing per detach, then can't do that again.
(Not that anything is wrong with that, of course)
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In a deck revolving entirely around rapid Special Summoning, how viable is Pot of Duality?
Why not Upstart?

Since Scepter has 1800 ATK, Sov has 2000 DEF, and I'm also playing Supply Units, It's not like it would kill to you to be forced to sit on things for a whole 1 turn, if it means you can use Duality to grab something ahead of time. not saying Upstart is bad, but I've never really been a fan of it. Mostly, because because I like the fact Duality gives you choices among the random stuff you reveal, compared to Upstart which, doesn't matter what you draw because you are stuck with it.
Or something like that.
I mean, Upstart and Duality could easily be interchangeable here, but still, I like using Duality.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, so, I've gone through a few revisions, to which, were never showcased; Cards from the Sky, Collapserpent, etc, just various stuff, were in some of those variants; Never liked any of those.

Latest version techs Beckoning Light, because, now that I think about it, it honestly sounds really damn funny here; Scepter can replace itself, Sov can replace itself, Scout can go and trigger Scepter, etc, and because of the nature of Scepter and Sov in general, it's not like my hand would ever be at any sort of minimum. Hell, even if I just recover Scout and Scepter, I can still go and make Fairy Cheer/Tsuku off it, and still draw some stuff.

Oh, and I guess I bumped this topic.

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How consistent is this deck? Do you ever find that certain card ratio's do not cut it for you in the long run? (For example, I always felt weird about 3 Reckless Greed anytime I made a build because for me I never seem to open up even with 2 and just sitting on the 1 and hoping to get 1-2 more never worked for me) Perhaps Supply Units?


Also: I plan to make Rank-UP Star Seraph soon 

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How consistent is this deck? Do you ever find that certain card ratio's do not cut it for you in the long run? (For example, I always felt weird about 3 Reckless Greed anytime I made a build because for me I never seem to open up even with 2 and just sitting on the 1 and hoping to get 1-2 more never worked for me) Perhaps Supply Units?
Also: I plan to make Rank-UP Star Seraph soon

I originally had Supply Unit here.
But Supply Unit is typically better if the deck itself can set it off right away.

As for consistency... You basically just need to draw into/Summon/whatever Scepter, and then the ball gets rolling.
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