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Nyx Weaver


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I'm having issues with this. I genuinely can't tell if it is good or not. It and [URL=http://mythicspoiler.com/nyx/cards/strengthfromthefallen.jpg]Strength from the Fallen[/URL] make me want to try out self-mill, but I just don't see it being too useful. Maybe it could be used for crappy dredge? I don't even know with this thing...

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Conley pointed this out, but the card's really good.

The BG Dredge deck is already decent. It gets better post-rotation with Pharika and other bits. But I think it's this and obviously Temple of Malady that will see the most standard play.

2/3 that blocks fliers basically blanks Nightveil Specters in the mono-blue devotion that Dredge troubles with. It's also a 3-drop. Dredge basically has no good 3-drops to play off of a turn 1 Elvish Mystic, so this massively fills the curve. Mill is useful, and the Regrowth effect is useful.

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