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[MTG] Font of Fertility

Flame Dragon

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So you give up 3 mana...to get another mana.

Is that a good thing in this game?


Yes. Because that mana can be used for forever and ever. Additionally, this card can trigger the constellation mechanic, and can be brought back from the grave for further use. It isn't amazing, but it is certainly usable.

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That is one of the better cards. 

OT: I don't really like this, but I guess some people might. I guess it is better than the mana rocks we have currently but...





This is one of the better green cards. This is about as good since, for 1 more mana, you get all the gains of being an enchantment. Not only that, but when your on the play and play this turn 1, this is as good as Growth.

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Font cycle vs Ordeal cycle:
Once again, Green and Blue are among the best ones.

Ordeals order was:


Font cycle is roughly:

Fertility's interesting, but I'm sure decks are still gonna rely on mana dorks like Caryatid for the most part.
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