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Flannels up the ass. I'm a useless pansexual.

But no, lot's of flannels, sweaters, beanies, bandanas, cool socks, too many black jeans, leather pants, leather jackets, skirts, every possible color of tights, uhhhhh oh and lots of button ups. COOL SHOES TOO. UGH YES 

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I feel like I might actually like some stuff hot topic has but I'd be far too ashamed to actually shop there. 


Don't be. Shop wherever the fuck you want. 


I personally don't like hot topic because most of their shit is really odd, then there's the obligatory angsty teen shit, and then there's the few graphic tees/sweaters that are kinda cool. Overall though, just not for me personally. 

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I usually wear baggy shirts and baggy jeans because I don't like the idea of people looking at my body and realizing I have one beyond elephant wrinkles.


But lately I've been trying to wear more "regular clothing" that's not baggy. I feel insanely uncomfortable in it sometimes though so it's a relief to be able to wear a sweatshirt sometimes.

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I go with the philosophy of if you look good-you feel good. That's why I think wearing baggy stuff and funny t-shirts that your mom bought you just is a bit meh-I mean it works for when you are at home but like I like to look good and I think people should strive more for that.


I have some sick coat that goes down to my knees-shit is the best thing I've bought in a long ass time.

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I go with the philosophy of if you look good-you feel good. That's why I think wearing baggy stuff and funny t-shirts that your mom bought you just is a bit meh-I mean it works for when you are at home but like I like to look good and I think people should strive more for that.


I have some sick coat that goes down to my knees-s*** is the best thing I've bought in a long ass time.

I sorta understand this, and it does give a nice feeling wearing something that looks good on you. But personally I feel uncomfortable wearing clothes that aren't loose and just whatever I have around. With nice clothes I feel like...I need to act different and more careful for some reason.

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ripped jeans and band t-shirts are what i usually go for, also gotta love the hoodies too. i really hate loose baggy clothing, i prefer to be tight but not too tight or to have a belt (but mine is broken so meh)


been thinking of going for some crossdressing sometime too

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[spoiler= OotD]




[spoiler= OotD (with peacoat)]




[spoiler= OotD (with peacoat and scarf and tuque)]




[spoiler= Obligatory bowtie and suspenders picture]





EDIT: I prefer the outfit with a collared shirt but fukit

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On top of your dresser, towards the back. There's some white phallic object that I can't place for the life of me.


Probably a candle, trophy, or microphone, I guess. Pessimistically. *_* Anyway, I like the black tuqued-up one best but maybe just because I'm just cold right now. Knocked out cold! Bahaha! Really though it's much too late for me to be posting, clearly. AND I haven't used a forum in years or something. I'm like sitting here thinking of how to end an e-mail or some shit.




Weezy F. Baby (The F is for "~ P O L A R I S ~")

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You know, usually I end up wearing a hoodie, with my hair covered by a beanie.  Sometimes it just gets absolutely unruly and I cannot for the life of me deal with it, so a hat more than makes up for whatever the hell my hair is doing at the time.


For a bottom part, I'd just wear skinny jeans.  Thank god I have the legs to pull them off.

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