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I have some anime-related T-shirts along with martial arts related stuff. (I have an Arcanine tee on in the Real You thread, but also have some Naruto related ones [pre-Shippuden] and two Dark Magician ones.) I have some Pacman ones with Epic Fail written at the bottom.


So, I end up shopping at Hot Topic sometimes (I've yet to find a shirt with one of the Eon twins on it or a legendary) and maybe Sears or something.

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Normally battered trainers, plain or torn jeans, studded belt, black t-shirt, fingerless gloves (which are a bit wobbegone by now), Bahamut necklace at all times, and long black trenchcoat. Add plain black jumper or skeletal/bloody heart fleecy top during winter.


My clothes related purchases on Amazon in the last six months are a black and red leather 'Assassin's Creed' jacket (which I wear to work) and my MMA gloves, which I intend to wear most of the time socially. I also intend to buy this and is saved in my cart so I can wear it the day I leave work...


[*remembers at very last second that the shirt I was going to post a picture of has a swear on it and will land me in trouble*]


Well, it's a Rage Against the Machine shirt. With a song lyric on. From Killing in the Name. You can probably guess which line...

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It all depends. I have to shop a lot because I tend to grow out of my clothes. I usually wear my video game t-shirts, polos, and graphic t-shirts. I like to wear a lot of jeans and cargo pants for some reason. I have a few warm up shirts and sweat suits in my closet since it is warm where I live. Some places that I shop at are Aeropastale, Hot Topic, JCPennys, and Ralph Lauren. 

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I'm not that much of a clothing shopper myself. I usually go to thrift stores and find some pretty nice clothes, but if I'm looking for something specific such as band shirts or anime related ones, I use amazon. I mostly like long sleeve shirts due to how cold and rainy it gets where I live.

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I wear nothing but black skinny jeans and have not worn anything else for about 2 years.

Apart from that its just band t shirts, band hoodies etc. I have a Korn t-shirt on right now. Its quite awkward because I bought a load of band t-shirts and now no longer like the bands that are on them...

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let me give u all classes on how to dress homies cause u really need them. first off dont shop at hot topic lol.


shirts that actually fit instead of looking like a robe. plaid is boring get somethign that has a print.



shorts are a man's best friends. pants looks better when the color contrasts to the shirt.



shoes of either color top or pants unless ur wearing jeans or cargo pants or w/e touches your shoes then it better be the color of the top.



also stop wearing things that have like games, brands, bands w/e on them you look like a walking advertisement.

thrift shop a lot. u never know when you'll find something goat. brands dont even mtter as logn as u look good.

so what do u all think.

i hope i can help someone here hahahah 

sorry i get passionate when i talk about things i like lol.


also drop the fingerless gloves and trenchcoat.

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all you need in life are crew neck sweaters, levi 511s and running shoes.  


hey someone with some fashion sense.



Rule 2: Dont wear a fedora, trench coat, or fingerless gloves. It just comes off as creepy tbh.


i second this.


you will look like something out of the matrix lol

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My general get-up is something like;

[Spoiler = My casual Wear] [URL=http://s102.photobucket.com/user/LoganBiffyHayes/media/Facebook/Profile%20Pictures/1239618_260879307424314_1420711147_n.jpg.html]1239618_260879307424314_1420711147_n.jpg[/URL]

-Black Skinny jeans

-Black/olive/white T-shirt with some sort of pattern

-Monster Hoodie

- Converse[/spoiler]

I more likely to be seen in something like this (without the eye make-up, I was drunk)

[spoiler = Shirts and stuff][URL=http://s102.photobucket.com/user/LoganBiffyHayes/media/Facebook/Cover%20Photos/1149137_185256294986616_1637809610_o.jpg.html]1149137_185256294986616_1637809610_o.jpg[/URL] (I'm the one with long hair, incase that wasn't obvious)[/spoiler]


I dress well because I have an insecurity about where I come from; I've always wanted pretty colourful clothing, but every time I go shopping I'm just like BLACK RED WHITE OLIVE, can't wear anything else really.


Also, I have an emotional bond to my hat and get angry when people try to take it off me.

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hypebeast's style. It's legit.

Contrasting shirt and pants, canvas shoes. Sometimes wear big floppy sweatshirts instead of t-shirts. Perfect compromise between shirt and jumper. Stylish and ultra-comfy. If my legs were longer, then I'd try to pull off shorts more often too (saw a guy in the most stylish white shirt/orange shorts combo the other day, shorts with additional white polka dots; summery clothing at its best).

Oh, and it's all about style, not fashion. Style is a cultural thing, fashion is merely passing trends.

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Rule 2: Dont wear a fedora, trench coat, or fingerless gloves. It just comes off as creepy tbh.

Unless you're Micheal Jackson, a detective, and a gangster who foolishly believes he can build up street cred.


For me, as long as it is comfortable, in the right situation and setting to wear it, and as long as it makes me feel...



and maybe add some extra


Just to make sure.


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