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[MTG] Mana Confluence

Flame Dragon

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Budget and Modern don't mix that well. At least not at the higher level. Not to mention pain lands do take their toll.


Decent infinite storm can be built for under $50. Also, this obsoletes every pain land before, unless you are using them for some weird combo. I don't think I like wizards doing that...

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Decent infinite storm can be built for under $50. Also, this obsoletes every pain land before, unless you are using them for some weird combo. I don't think I like wizards doing that...

Painlands have been obselete before and not because of this card. Decent Storm decks can be made for 90-150 dollars. Pyromancer Ascension would cost the 50 dollars.

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This card's price is going to be incredibly high. Pondering over whether I should just get 1 for EDH or bust my pockets to get playsets for my Standard Decks.

I'm honestly going to be surprised if it settles anywhere significantly above $10. Yes, it's good. Nobody can deny that. However, there's no real application in Standard or Modern, with only a few niche uses in Legacy. There's enough colour fixing available right now to preemptively obsolete it.
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