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Plant Psychics ft Mathematician

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I meant to post this last night, now it looks like I'm copying Armzy-boy. >.<



Here, some combos for the ever-intrigued:

Mathematician + Emergency Teleport:

-Emergency Teleport summon Psychic Commander

-Overlay for Meliae of the Trees, effect detach Psychic Commander to summon Lonefire Blossom from graveyard
-Lonefire Blossom effect tribute Meliae of the Trees to summon Lonefire Blossom

-Lonefire Blossom effect tribute Lonefire Blossom to summon Spore

-Synchro for Armory Arm

-Spore effect banish Lonefire Blossom to summon Spore

-Overlay for Lavalval Chain

-Lavalval Chain effect send Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders to graveyard

-Summon Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders by banishing Meliae of the Trees and Psychic Commander

This sets you up for the rest of the game, giving you Redox as a discard outlet on your next turn, puts Lonefires in the graveyard, and if Chain survives you can use it again to send Flowbot and get to what you want.



Mathematician + Redox + EARTH monster:
-Summon Mathematician, effect send Lonefire Blossom to graveyard

-Redox discard effect to summon Lonefire Blossom

-Lonefire Blossom tribute itself to summon Lonefire Blossom

-Lonefire Blossom tribute itself to summon Dandylion
-Overlay for Meliae of the Trees, effect detach Dandylion to summon Lonefire Blossom from graveyard and summon 2 Fluff Tokens
-Lonefire Blossom effect tribute Meliae of the Trees to summon Spore
-Synchro for Formula Synchron

-Spore effect banish a Lonefire Blossom to summon itself at level 4

-Synchro Spore + Lonefire Blossom + Fluff Token for Stardust Dragon

-Synchro for Shooting Star Dragon

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