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Doppel at three is undercesive.  It's the best card in the deck.  Anything over 40 lowers the odds of drawing the actually good cards in the deck and making it look like I stack when I draw the perfect card.

Every card in the deck is the actually good cards

unless you are doing it wrong



Doppel at three is fine

I didn't notice how MANY ways you had to trigger it



Out of curiosity, why the TGUs and Bus?

I mean it doesn't 100% fit in theme but isn't necessarily bad...

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Synchron, Plague and Call are more than enough for Doppel.  TGU and Bus are because RIP Sangan, Rank 3s are OP, and stuff.  Thinking about it, they are probably the best to drop for something good.

You could totally drop all 4

add tuning

and then run a 37 card deck

like a real man


Or 2 MSTs Tuning and Foolish

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