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[CFV] Deathly Silence


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1 Greedy Hand
4 Dark Knight of Nightmareland
4 Blitzritter
4 Amon's Follower, Cruel Hand
4 Cheshire Cat of Nightmareland

4 Doreen the Thruster
4 Dimension Creeper
3 Amon's Follower, Vlad Specula
3 Yellow Bolt

4 Gwynn the Ripper
3 Emblem Master
3 Fatigue Succubus
2 Free Traveler

4 Kings of Masks, Dantarian
3 Echo of Nemesis

The one deck I wish I could play 16 crits in.
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- Devil in Shadow
+ Greedy Hand

- Amon
+ Fatigue Succubus

Heh, how's testing? Also, opinion on Story Teller over Gwyn?

Threat elimination >>>>>> Drawing.

Testing's been going really well, won the majority of matches I've played despite going up against what is generally considered pretty poor match-ups (D-Robos, Revengers, Link Joker)
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