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The Best E-Hero Deck Ever!!!!!

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Here Is My Best E-Hero Deck Ever!!


Fusions (x18)

Elemental Hero Air Neos x[/align]3

Elemental Hero Aqua Neos x3

Elemental Hero Dark Neos x3

Elemental Hero Flare Neos x3

Elemental Hero Glow Neos x3

Elemental Hero Grand Neos x3

Monsters (x20)

Elemental Hero Neos x3

Elemental Hero Stratos x3

Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird x2

Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin x2

Neo-Spacian Dark Panther x2

Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab x2

Neo-Spacian Glow Moss x2

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole x2

Shining Angel x2

Spells (x22)

Ancient Rules x2

E - Emergency call x2

Foolish Burial x2

Graceful Charity x1

Lightning Vortex x1

Monster Reborn x1

Neo Space x2

O - Oversoul x2

Pot of Greed x1

Premature Burial x1

Reinforcement Of the Army x2

Sealed Gold Coffer x3

Terraforming x2


Call of the Haunted x1

Dust Tornado x1

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I like the triple Stratos strategy. Summon 1, fetch another, summon the second, fetch a third, summon the third, fetch Neos or nuke the field. It's easy to pull off with Pot of Greed providing extra draw power, and if one Stratos is sent to the grave by Graceful Charity, Call of the Haunted lets you revive him to start the combo over again.


Nice deck. Tested it at regionals?

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The main strategy to this deck is to mostly use foolish burial and o-oversoul and also ancient rules to bring out neos and use his contact fusion to gain multiple strategies. i added elemental hero stratos and graceful charity because elemental hero stratos can let you get neos to your hand, and if you have neos in your hand then you can use graceful charity to discard him to the graveyard, and then use monster reborn (etc.) to get him on the field really quick.

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The main strategy to this deck is to mostly use foolish burial and o-oversoul and also ancient rules to bring out neos and use his contact fusion to gain multiple strategies. i added elemental hero stratos and graceful charity because elemental hero stratos can let you get neos to your hand' date=' and if you have neos in your hand then you can use graceful charity to discard him to the graveyard, and then use monster reborn (etc.) to get him on the field really quick.



Graceful Charity is awesome that way. It gives you lots of draws AND it allows dump-and-revive. I'm surprised they haven't banned it yet, considering how versatile it is.

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