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Lockdown [CF!V Link Joker]

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1 Star Vader, Dust Tail Unicorn (Starter)

4 Star Vader, Meteor Liger (Crit)

4 Star Vader, Nebula Captor (Draw which I probably won't need since 12 Crit seems more likely)

4 Star Vader, Stellar Garage (Heal)

4 Star Vader, Vice Soldiert (Crit)




4 Barrier Star Vader, Promethium (Null Guard)

2 Demonic Bullet Star Vader, Neon

3 Demonic Claw Star Vader, Lanthanum

3 Prison Star Vader, Palladium




3 One Who Shoots Gravitational Singularities (not the most appealing, but I need something to fill that G2 stuff)

3 Star Vader, Colony Maker

4 Star Vader, Mobius Breath Dragon




4 Setting Sun Star Vader, Darmstadtium (Break Ride)

3 Star Vader "Omega" Glendios

4 Star Vader, Chaos Breaker Dragon


Help me build a halfway competent LJ deck plox? o.o

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