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IRL Cyber Dragons


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Monsters (15)


1x Cyber Eltanin

3x Cyber Dragon

3x Cyber Dragon Drei

2x Cyber Dragon Zwei

3x Cyber Dragon Core

3x Cyber Valley


Spells (16)


3x Cyber Repair Plant

1x Dark Hole

2x Machine Duplication

1x Overload Fusion

2x Power Bond

3x Upstart Goblin

1x Limiter Removal

3x MST


Traps (9)


2x Dimensional Prison

2x Trap Stun

1x Call of the Haunted

1x Cyber Network

2x Dark Bribe

1x Solemn Warning




1x Cyber End Dragon

1x Chimeratech Overdragon

2x Cyber Twin

2x Cyber Dragon Nova

Rank 5s

Rank 4s

Armored Kappa

Lion Heart





Super Poly



Battle Fusion is what I need room for, will also probably replace Dark Bribe with Wiretap.



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I personally run 1 Cyber Network. It's your best friend, along with Power Bond, Super Poly, DNA Surgery and Limiter Removal. 

My build is very similar, but there are some key differences. 


Monster: 18

3x Cyber Dragon

3x Drei

3x Valley

3x Core

2x Solar Wind Jammer

1x Eltanin

Spell: 13

3x Cyber Repair Plant

3x Power Bond

2x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Forbidden Lance

1x Dark Hole

1x Limiter Removal

1x Super Polymerization

Traps: 9

3x Trap Stun

2x Mirror Force

2x D. Prison

1x Cyber Network

1x DNA Surgery



3x Cyber Twin

3x Cyber Nova

2x Chimeratech Overdragon

1x Volcasaurus

1x Freezadon

1x Digvhorzak, King of Heavy Industry(On DN, IDK where to get one IRL)

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Cyber network isn't really necessary in this deck; I'd side it in case, but I also would drop the summoner monk.  This deck is all about synergy, and anything straying too far from the "LIGHT Machine" commonplace of the deck, it tends to slow it down sometimes, IMO.


In case anyone is wondering WHY ON EARTH NO CYBER NETWORK OR OTHER CARDS THIS GUY SUCKS... I also run Cybers IRL and my deck is incredibly fast, and I don't use network or anything other than Cyber nametypes.


Also, run Machine Duplication. It makes this deck so ridiculous. You use it on core and get 2 cybers out that can be used for any rank 5.   


Run Power Bond at least 2x, increase trap stun and MST to 3.  This deck's weakness is backrow, so those and lances are your best friend.   Drop the Larvas, they're added space you don't really want. You want the deck to be as quick as possible, and in order for that to work, the combos require your cybers.  Try to limit it to like valley and eltanin only, it's the best way to slim your deck down to the needed cards.


Also, if you run machine dupe and your 3 valleys, number 54 lionheart is a super good card against decks that rely on power.  Look into it, it's basically a mirror force that requires 3 level 1s (your valleys)  You won't use it alot, but it DEFINITELY comes in handy.


main at least 1 chimeratech fortress, if not 2.  Mirror matches and other machine decks make that card a LIFESAVER.  Basically, you use one of your cybers and ANY machine on the field, even theirs, to make him. No poly or powerbond or anything, you just send them to the grave.  It's too good not to have in this deck!


If you take my suggestions, you might find they're for the better.  At least try them out and let me know how they work for you; they ought to really open up your combos and make your deck LIGHTNING fast, if not way faster than before.

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-3 Larva

-2 Monk

-1 Network

+1 MST to main

+1 Trap Stun to main

+2 Machine Dupe

+2 Power Bond


I know I need Fortress but I don't have one irl so I side super poly for that. I'll try Lion Heart on devpro/DN.


Also, drop 13 and 31 for 54 and what, 61?


EDIT: The room for the fortress. Nova? Utopia? Butterfly? Who to drop?

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the main extras I use besides nova and twin are the rank 5's (Pleiades,Volcasauras, Shark Fortress)


Ark is a good one to use, but your rank 5's combined with Machine dupe make for some of the best combos in the deck. 


You for sure want Nova; he may not be your MAIN one you use, due to power bond, but his combos can be just as lethal if executed properly.

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I actually don't use Nova too terrible much. I use Twin and Chimeratech Over, not Fortress. You can definitely drop the Zweis. 

My recommendations


-2 Zwei, 

-2 Summoner Monk

-3 Larva


- 3 Upstart

- 1 OVerload


+2 Mystical Space Typhoon

+2 Forbidden Lance

+2 Machine Dupe

+2 Power Bond

+1-2 Super Poly

+2 DNa Surgery

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I actually don't use Nova too terrible much. I use Twin and Chimeratech Over, not Fortress. You can definitely drop the Zweis. 

My recommendations


-2 Zwei, 

-2 Summoner Monk

-3 Larva


- 3 Upstart

- 1 OVerload


+2 Mystical Space Typhoon

+2 Forbidden Lance

+2 Machine Dupe

+2 Power Bond

+1-2 Super Poly

+2 DNa Surgery


You ALWAYS run fortress. IT is contact fusions to take care of any machine deck, including Draccosack. Super Poly is situational, I'd only side it.   And as for nova, you don't have enough resources to rely on Twin every time.  Nova is part of what makes this deck so consistent.

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You ALWAYS run fortress. IT is contact fusions to take care of any machine deck, including Draccosack. Super Poly is situational, I'd only side it. And as for nova, you don't have enough resources to rely on Twin every time. Nova is part of what makes this deck so consistent.

I like how he tried to get the build he was commenting on to run 4 MST.
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I like how he tried to get the build he was commenting on to run 4 MST.


When I commented, it was still at 1. 

And I do use Nova, just not as much as twin. Though Nova is common when Cyber Network resolves and I have multiple Cyber Dragons and Cores. THe Cores give me twin, the Cybers, Nova.

Also looking at it now, I definitely want a Fortress. I actually didn't know what Fortress was

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When I commented, it was still at 1. 

And I do use Nova, just not as much as twin. Though Nova is common when Cyber Network resolves and I have multiple Cyber Dragons and Cores. THe Cores give me twin, the Cybers, Nova.

I never go below 2 MST unless I was playing Quickdraw or Wind-Ups. Nova is what makes the deck go, while Twin is there for Power Bond OTKs (at least in my experience). When Cyber Network destroys itself I don't get Cores because I usually banish 3 Cydra or 1 Cydra and 2 Zwei, and with Zwei I'd rather go into 101/Pearl/Butterfly half the time.

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