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Stream of consciousness here. Lavalval Chain comes to mind. Needs Masked Chameleons. Shadow is too situational to run more than 1-2 of imo. Blue Flame Swordsman at 2 is beast with 2 Chameleons because Crimson Blader is a thing. Star Cestus sucks in general. Blaster is still legit in the deck.

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everything happened






+2 Blader



-1 shadow

-1 Spirit

-1 Counterpunch


+2 Masked Chameleon

+1 Blaster

-1 Ouroboros


+1 Deltatellos or 104


2 104s feels like overkill, and I don't want to setup Percy on Mac, so it's gonna stay within DN's cardpool

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So this deck is so much fun that I want to play it IRL. Problem is if it's anything like the LVAL Heraldic support, then we're not going to get most of the OCG support over in Murrica for a while. Not to mention Exciton is FAR out of my price range. So while I'm going to maintain this build, I'm also going to put up a "budget" build (in this case budget being "cheap to get what I don't already have").

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