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Who wants to challenge me?

Little Dragon 64

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The theme:fire monsters.make 3 cards.a lvl 4 Monster a spell card and a xyz.we also need judge.contest starts when we have 3 judges.

There is a Scale of maximum 100 points.The judge can give 25 points for creativness.25 points for originality 25 points for how this card woud work in a real duel and 25 points for the picture and the card itself compare.(sorry for my english :( )
The one who loses has to donate 50 points.
see ya!

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Whoa. Slow down and set up some clear rules. Take a look at some contests that are up. They can show you how to set up a contest that people will enter. This gives me no idea of what you really want. All I know is the cards, nothing else. There is no scale, no details, definitely no structure, and you really need to space and make it readable. Edit it a bit and we'll see about joining.

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