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Because I Didn't Get Black A Birthday Present! :( [Fabled Pendulum]

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Monsters: 23
Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon x3
Magician of Astromancy x2
Magician of Chronomancy x2
Fabled Krus x3
Fabled Grimro x2
Fabled Kushano x2
The Fabled Cerburrel x2
The Fabled Ganashia x2
The Fabled Caitsith x3
Cardcar D x3
Spells: 7
Lightning Vortex
Upstart Goblin x3
Dark World Dealings x3
Traps: 10
Bottomless Trap Hole
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Mirror Force x2
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast x2
Beckoning Light x3
Karma Cut
Extra: 15
Fabled Ragin x3
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Powered Inzektron
Vulcan the Divine
Moonlight Rose Dragon
Chaos King Archfiend
Stardust Spark Dragon
Fabled Valkryus
Ogre Rock Castle
Fabled Leviathan x3
Star Eater
I hope Black likes this.

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You are playing Catsith, DWD and Karma Cut, pretty sure he won't


The idea is interesting though.

I figured as much, though I found Karma Cut to be rather effective in taking out such cards as Grapha and Garunix that can easily bring themselves back.

Caithsith is one I'm more hesitant on, but she's still a potent destruction card out of left field.

DWD, on the other hand, I feel could be taken out, despite the draw power it gives.

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