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G0: 17

8 Crit

4 Draw

4 Heal

1 Mecha Trainer


G1: 11

4 Wild Hitter

2 Cheer Girl Marriland (It's a crush rush deck, don't want 3-4. At least not of a normal PG, not enough advantage to keep them live.)

2 Dudley Dan

2 Reckless Express

1 Dudley Daisy


G2: 10

4 Dudley Douglass

4 Dudley Mason

2 Field Driller


G3: 12

4 Bad End Dragger

4 Demonic Lord, Dudley Lucifer

4 Jelly Beans


Something Lily helped me make earlier. It's stupidly fun, but it still suffers from Spike Brothers syndrome... But, at least Jelly Beans makes it more consistent.


Kinda want 1=2 Dudley Emperor, though.

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