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Changes from last version:


-2 Chronomaly Moai

-2 Swift Scarecrow

+1 Upstart Goblin

+1 Thunder King Rai-oh

+1 Chronomaly Gordian Knot

+1 Chronomaly Aztec Mask Golem


-1 Shark Fortress

+1 Dark-Line Warrior Caingorgom


-1 Forbidden Tome

+2 Swift Scarecrow



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Gordion Knot and Mask Golem are bad


idk why you need 3 duality and 3 upstart the deck is already consistent, i feel like one of those isnt needed as you are taking away some of your turns plays and also making it it a turn longer for you to win,


id also remove skill prisoner, compuls and d prisons


then id run 3 breakthrough and 3 moralltach and 3 theosophy

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Oh yeah 3 Cardcar Ds would work.


I've already tried this in a previous build. Didn't go so well. Everytime I summoned it, it got Veiler'd, so I stopped summoning it, and thus it started becoming dead weight. Also didnt help that if I run more than 1, I tend to open with more than 1. And if I run only 1, I never get it.

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The entire reason OOPArts are doing well is because of the consistency and protection the Artifact engine provides. In any case Gordian and Mud Golem suck, and Maxx is worth maining. 2 Hyuk or 2 Pleiades would put in more work than 2 Guardian. M7 isn't really necessary and won't resolve very often either.

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I don't really like teching an Artifact engine. And surely as hell isn't the reason. They were doing well before PRIO came, in an E-Drag format in the OCG. The artifact engine is just soaring them over the top now.


As for M7, its there as a pretty fast beater. as Bones-->Skull-->Hyades-->M7 is a pretty powerful combo.


But I might dump a Guardian for another Pleiades. I have been thinking about doing that for a while now.


Mask is in there for a pretty good reason. When I use Babylon, I'm finding myself having to banish a Nebra a little too often, so I decided to put in another level 4 to help with that, and its been working swimmingly so far. Also doesn't hurt that Nebra --> Tablet, SS Mask is a pretty powerful 5k damage combo, yet extremely simple. And in the worst scenario, it makes summoning 101 and Caingorgom just a little bit easier. Gordian is there for almost the same reason. Gordian and Jet make an instant rank 4 or rank 5 play that is unhindered by Nebras side effect. And its been testing really well, so I don't have a reason to remove them.



-1 Gorgonic Guardian

+1 Constellar Pleiades


In testing stages:

-3 Upstart Goblin

-1 Skill Prisoner

+2 Breakthrough Skill

+1 Chronomaly City Babylon

+1 Maxx "C"

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