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Out of Boredom


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Before anything else: Yes, I mainly am making this thread because I'm bored (go figure?).

This sensation made me remember the existence of this odd article.



Everyone has days of being bored, if not once in a while at least at some point in our life.

How do you handle boredom?

Do you try out all your hobbies?

Do you try to engage in unusually productive activities or in chores until your brain forgets it was bored?
Do you just sit there in hopes inspiration comes along?
Does it happen when you are too free or when you are too busy? or both?

What would you advice someone to do, if you felt like advising anything?


The concept of boredom in general can be a rather interesting topic at times though.

Other than the "can't find anything engaging enough whatsoever anywhere" kind of boredom, there's the "I'm right here right now when I could be doing so many other things" boredom that we only seem to get when something important is on the way. More than one student will relate with finding themselves drawing random things on their notebooks at some point (unless you are the kind of people that hides their phone under the desk to pretend you are not texting.... or whatever else you might have done during your school days).




I know this thread looks a little bit out of focus, but it's not a w/e thread, you just have a few options on what to post.


Huhh.. discuss?

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Bored people feel that their actions are meaningless and so they are motivated to engage in meaningful behaviour

Like making topics!- *shot*

But seriously, though, boredom causes people to do a lot of stuff. Sometimes random, sometimes whatever, it all boils down to whatever happens next, really.
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How do you handle boredom?

I wait for it to go away or think of something I've been meaning to do.

Or I swap to another hobby- if manga bores me go to video games or anime etc.

Do you try out all your hobbies?

At times, but not really. I mean I typically do one thing until I exhaust it and am bored of it.

Do you try to engage in unusually productive activities or in chores until your brain forgets it was bored?

if screwing someone counts as unusually productive. its producing a lot of unusual things

Nah not that I can think of. I kinda just dwindle on one thing despite being bored.

Do you just sit there in hopes inspiration comes along?

Sorta not really; I sit and think about what I'd like to do.
Does it happen when you are too free or when you are too busy? or both?

Both, but especially the latter of the two.

What would you advice someone to do, if you felt like advising anything?

Advise them that hookers exist

I would advise they read a book. Or think. Too many people not thinking these days. Like long reflective thinking.



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How do you handle boredom? Try to write my 5Ds based fanfic (though it does have some mention of the other two anime I watch), random GFX and cardmaking (if I get any new ideas instead of ripping some old ones from 2006-2007). Or go play Pokemon X (though I have nothing to do on it except kill Battle Maison, complete dex [can't do it now b/c boxes are stuffed]). OR in extreme cases, posting in the TCG forum (even though I haven't posted in there since what...'09-'10)


Do you try out all your hobbies? Most of the time (I'd play some YGO but I have no one to play with IRL and DN is full of those trolls I heard about from TCG)


Do you try to engage in unusually productive activities or in chores until your brain forgets it was bored? Not really.

Do you just sit there in hopes inspiration comes along? Sometimes

Does it happen when you are too free or when you are too busy? or both? I'd say I get bored when I have nothing to do.

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I'll simply buy (and try and read through, or have someone narrate) more books -- or have someone read an appropriate book for me (say, David Foster Wallace's The Pale King) -- or look up at the ongoing construction of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona -- or invite a few of my friends over for an impromptu dinner -- or eat a quick snack, then take a nap even when I don't feel like it.


Boredom busted every time.

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I eat when I'm bored which is a bad thing. I get bored alot at work (most of it I learnt to filter out by just ignoring how boring filling shelves can be) and try to make myself something to do like facing up whilst I have no customers.

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