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Welcome to YCM.

Enjoy your stay, read the rules, check that your RP thread adheres to the Advanced Clause Rinne set a while back and a lot of other things.


Things you should not be doing: necrobumping, using attachments to post cards/images, using heavy profanity (mild swearing is okay if not done in excess), posting in spambot threads, etc.


Ask a mod or myself if you have questions.

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Axi already got to your RP stuff, so add the usual stuff in your rule section. (Participants must adhere to Advanced Clause, don't god mod and all that other stuff). Do not just copy/paste the ones Rinne wrote in the rules section word-for-word.


You also should use spoilers for apps and other things; makes things look cleaner. (Your character app takes up the entire page on the screen; and mind you, I'm using a 23'' one). I'd advise looking at the RPs other people have done to get an better idea of what Axi (and to an extent, Rinne) tells you to do. 


Other than that, I guess you got everything. (Hopefully you know that I'm not really Sakura; just using her name/pic while I'm on here)

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