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Aging contest (finished, please lock)


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Gigobyte. Gagagigo. Giga Gagagigo. Gogiga Gagagigo. Gagagigo the Risen. This is an example of what I want to see. I want to see at least 5 mosters, showing the aging process, including baby, child, teen, adult, and old man, as well as 3 spell and trap cards to support this contest.


  1. fee is 5 points, though donations are welcome.
  2. prize is 50% for first, 30% for second and 20% for last.
  3. I judge 50% on criteria, 40% on creativity, 5% on picture-to-card ratio (how much the picture resembles the card name) and 5% on everything else.
  4. I am accepting 1 other person to help judge.
  5. time to enter contest ends April 1st. Cards must be in by April 10th.
  6. al changes to the contest, including pot and contestants will be posted here.


20 points



Time 23

Doc Stein


Little Dragon 64



TEM 23- first place

Little Dragon 64- second

no one else posted, so these two are the only ones that get the prizes.

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Heres my first card its the "baby"




Effect:      Once per turn if this Card is attacked ,you can pay 500 Life Points.This Card cant be destroyed as a result of this battle and you dont lose any Life Points.
You can tribute this Card and pay 500 Life points to special summon one "Pyro kid" from your deck,your graveyard or your hand.

This is my second card. Its the child 





Effect:      Everytime this Card is attacked your enemy loses 800 Life Points and you can tribute one Dragon Card on your field to negate the attack.If you do this your enemy loses 400 Life Points.

You can tribute this card and pay 400 Life points to special summon one "Pyro Beast" from your hand , your deck or our graveyard.
This is my thrid card.It is the teenie  
Effect :      Every time this Card is attacked , your enemy loses 1200 Life points.If this Card is special summoned by the effect of "Pyro Kid" you get 800 Life Points.You can pay 500 Life points to special summon one "Pyrohydra" from your hand , your deck or your graveyard.If this Card destroys any enemy`s Card , you can special summon one "Pyrohydra" from your deck.
This is my 4th Card its the adult  
Effect:     If this was summoned by the effect of "Pyro Beast" , this Card gets 600 ATK and loses 300 DEF.If this Card is attacked , your enemy loses 1000 Life Points.As long as this Card is on the field , your enemy can only attack this Card.If this Card would be destroyed by the attack of one of your enemy`s monster , you can destroy the attacking monster and this Card to special summon one "Pyrophoenix" from your deck , your hand or your graveyard.Once per turn , you can pay 200 Life Points or tribute one monster to activate one of the following effects:
- Destroy one monster on your enemy`s side.
- Your enemy loses 1000 life Points
This is my last Card. Its the old man 
This Card can only be summoned by the effect of Pyrohydra.You can tribute this Card to special summon one "Pyrohydra Spirit Egg" from your hand , your deck or your graveyard.
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Here is my entry

[spoiler='Frozen Skater']
School, homework and grunting professors were not really Rad’s thing, when all he wanted to do was to surf the fresh powder snow at the break of dawn. As a result, during a Frozn tactical exam, the experimental cryoplasma bombs ended up exploding in his face. Who can say what personality now lurks behind his mask of ice!
1 tuner + 1 or more non tuner monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned; Destroy all face-up Defense Position monster on the field. Once per turn you can target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; Negate that target's effects until the End Phase.
This card can be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing 1 face-up WATER Synchro monster you control. During either Players Standby Phase, you can target 1 face-up monster on the  field; change tat target's Battle Positon. Once per turn you can activate 1 of the following effects:
*Destroy 1 face-up Defense Position monster.
*Target 1 face-up card on the field; Negate its effects until the next End Phase.


"Frozen Skilled Skater, Rad" + "Frozen Ambitious Skater, Rad"

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by removing from play the above cards you control or from your graveyard. (You do not use "Polymerization"). Once per turn, you can activate 1 of the following effects.

*Destroy 1 monster on the field.

*Target 1 card on the field; Negate that target's effects (You must control this face-up card to resolve this effect.) [/spoiler] 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to see your comments on those cards and learn why they got their positions.

I wasn't that happy with the pyrophoenix, as the old man should usually be the most powerful, and appears to serve no purpose other than to get the egg back. not to mention the cards had almost no correct Yu-Gi-Oh! terminology.

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