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Welcome to YCM.

Enjoy your stay, read the rules and have fun.


Here's a list of stuff you shouldn't be doing here.

  • Posting cards (or any images) as attachments
  • Repeatedly swearing [if you see Night using swear words, do not copy him (he's a Super Mod though)]
  • Necrobumping (generally no posts for a month, but separate forums have a stricter guideline on this)
  • Get upset over CnC and other things on cards/your DN or real life Deck if you decide to go into the TCG area. We're here to help you improve.
  • Posting cards in another member's thread UNLESS it is in the Contest forum.
  • Replying to spambots. You'll recognize them as advertising some random website or shoes. Do not post in their threads or status messages; instead, use the Report button at the bottom left to alert the mods about it or just PM one of the mods that's on at the time about it if you can't see the button. Posting in it will lead to a warning increase (see thread by Legend Zero in General or the forum-wide announcement by Yin/Suigintou)

Otherwise, ask one of the mods or a senior member (such as myself) if you need help around. 

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